Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Developer's Guide

The server Subelement

Specifies an Application Server instance. Allows a single task to act on multiple server instances. The server attributes override corresponding attributes in the parent task; therefore, the parent task attributes function as default values.

Note –

Some topics in the documentation pertain to features that are available only in domains that are configured to support clusters. Examples of domains that support clusters are domains that are created with the cluster profile or the enterprise profile. For information about profiles, see Usage Profiles in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Administration Guide.

Attributes of server

The following table describes attributes for the server element.

Table 3–15 The server Attributes






(optional) The user name used when logging into the Application Server domain administration server (DAS). 



(optional) File containing passwords. The password from this file is retrieved for communication with the Application Server DAS. 



(optional) Target server. When targeting a remote server, use the fully qualified host name. 



(optional) The administration port on the target server. 


name of default instance 

(optional) Target application server instance. 



(applies to The sun-appserv-instance Task only) Deprecated.



(applies to The sun-appserv-instance Task only, required if action is create, otherwise ignored) The name of the node agent on which the instance is being created.



(applies to The sun-appserv-instance Task only, optional) Deprecated. If action is set to start, specifies whether the server starts in debug mode. This attribute is ignored for other values of action. If true, the instance generates additional debugging output throughout its lifetime.



(applies to The sun-appserv-deploy Task only, optional) If true, the component is transferred to the server for deployment. If the component is being deployed on the local machine, set upload to false to reduce deployment time.


default virtual server only 

(applies to The sun-appserv-deploy Task only, optional) A comma-separated list of virtual servers to be deployment targets. This attribute applies only to application (.ear) or web (.war) components and is ignored for other component types.

Examples of server

You can control multiple servers using a single task. In this example, two servers are started, each using a different password. Only the second server is started in debug mode.

<sun-appserv-instance action="start">
<server host="" passwordfile="${password.greg}"/>
<server host="" passwordfile="${password.joe}"

You can create instances on multiple servers using a single task. This example creates a new instance named qa on two different servers. Both servers use the same password.

<sun-appserv-instance action="create" instanceport="8080"
	 instance="qa" passwordfile="${passwordfile}>
<server host=""/>
<server host=""/>

These instances can also be removed from their respective servers:

<sun-appserv-instance action="delete" instance="qa"
<server host=""/>
<server host=""/>

You can specify different instance names and instance ports using attributes of the nested server element:

<sun-appserv-instance action="create" passwordfile="${passwordfile}>
<server host="" instanceport="8080" instance="qa"/>
<server host="" instanceport="9090"

You can deploy multiple components to multiple servers (see the The component Subelement) . This example deploys each component to two Application Server instances running on remote servers. Both servers use the same password.

<sun-appserv-deploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}" 
  asinstalldir="/opt/s1as8" >
<server host=""/>
<server host=""/>
<component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/>
<component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"
<component file="${assemble}/simplebean.jar"/>

You can also undeploy multiple components from multiple servers. This example shows the same three components being removed from two different instances. Both servers use the same password.

<sun-appserv-undeploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}">
<server host=""/>
<server host=""/>
<component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/>
<component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/>
<component name="simplebean" />

You can enable or disable components on multiple servers. This example shows the same three components being enabled on two different instances. Both servers use the same password.

<sun-appserv-component action="enable" passwordfile="${passwordfile}">
<server host=""/>
<server host=""/>
<component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/>
<component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/>
<component name="simplebean" />