Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Developer's Guide

Examples of sun-appserv-undeploy

Here is a simple application undeployment script with many implied attributes:

<sun-appserv-undeploy name="simpleapp" passwordfile="${passwordfile}" />

Here is an equivalent script showing all the implied attributes:

 asinstalldir="${asinstalldir}" />

This example demonstrates using the archive files (EAR and WAR, in this case) for the undeployment, using the component name (for undeploying the EJB component in this example), and undeploying multiple components.

<sun-appserv-undeploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}">
 <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/>
 <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/>
 <component name="simplebean" />

As with the deployment process, components can be undeployed from multiple servers in a single command. This example shows the same three components being removed from two different instances of the Application Server. In this example, the passwords for both instances are the same.

<sun-appserv-undeploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}">
 <server host=""/>
 <server host=""/>
 <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/>
 <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/>
 <component name="simplebean" />