Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Developer's Guide

The Web Service URI, WSDL File, and Test Page

Clients can run a deployed web service by accessing its service endpoint address URI, which has the following format:


The context-root is defined in the application.xml or web.xml file, and can be overridden in the sun-application.xml or sun-web.xml file. The servlet-mapping-url-pattern is defined in the web.xml file.

In the following example, the context-root is my-ws and the servlet-mapping-url-pattern is /simple:


You can view the WSDL file of the deployed service in a browser by adding ?WSDL to the end of the URI. For example:


For debugging, you can run a test page for the deployed service in a browser by adding ?Tester to the end of the URL. For example:


You can also test a service using the Admin Console. Open the Web Services component, select the web service in the listing on the General tab, and select Test. For details, click the Help button in the Admin Console.

Note –

The test page works only for WS-I compliant web services. This means that the tester servlet does not work for services with WSDL files that use RPC/encoded binding.

Generation of the test page is enabled by default. You can disable the test page for a web service by setting the value of the debugging-enabled element in the sun-web.xml and sun-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor to false. For more information, see the Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Application Deployment Guide.