Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 High Availability Administration Guide

Using the hadbm Management Command

Use the hadbm command-line utility to manage an HADB domain, its database instances, and nodes. The hadbm utility (also called the management client) sends management requests to the specified management agent, acting as a management server, which has access to the database configuration from the repository.

This section describes the hadbm command-line utility, with the following topics:

Command Syntax

The hadbm utility is located in the HADB_install_dir /bin directory. The general syntax of the hadbm command is:

hadbm subcommand  
[-short-option [option-value]] 
[--long-option [option-value]] 

The subcommand identifies the operation or task to perform. Subcommands are case-sensitive. Most subcommands have one operand (usually dbname).

Options modify how hadbm performs a subcommand. Options are case-sensitive. Each option has a long form and a short form. Precede the short form with a single dash (-); precede the long forms with two dashes (--). Most options require argument values, except for boolean options, which must be present to switch a feature on. Options are not required for successful execution of the command.

If a subcommand requires a database name, and you do not specify one, hadbm will use the default database, hadb.

Example 3–1 Example of hadbm command

The following illustrates the status subcommand:

hadbm status --nodes

Security Options

For security reasons, all hadbm commands require an administrator password. Use the --adminpassword option to set the password when you create a database or domain. From then on, you must specify that password when you perform operations on the database or domain.

For enhanced security, use the --adminpasswordfile option to specify a file containing the password, instead of entering it on the command line. Define the password in the password file with the following line:


Replace password with the password. Any other content in the file is ignored.

If you specify both the --adminpassword and --adminpasswordfile options, the --adminpassword takes precedence. If a password is required, but is not specified in the command, hadbm prompts you for a password.

Note –

You can set the administrator password only when you create a database or domain, and you cannot later change it.

In addition to the administrator password, HADB also requires a database password to perform operations that modify the database schema. You must use both passwords when using the following commands: hadbm create, hadbm addnodes, and hadbm refragment.

Specify the database password on the command line with the --dbpassword option. Similar to the administrator password, you can also put the password in a file and use the --dbpasswordfile option, specifying the file location. Set the password in the password file with the following line:


For testing or evaluation, you can turn off password authentication with the --no-adminauthentication option when you create a database or domain. For more information, see Creating a Database and Creating a Management Domain

The following table summarizes the hadbm security command line options.

Table 3–4 hadbm Security Options

Option (Short Form) 




Specifies administrator password for the database or domain. If you use this option when you create a database or domain, then you must provide the password each time you use hadbm to operate on the database or domain. 

Use either this option or --adminpasswordfile, but not both. 



Specifies file that contains the administrator password for the database or domain. If you use this option when you create a database or domain, then you must provide the password each time you use hadbm to operate on the database or domain. 

Use either this option or --adminpassword, but not both. 



Use this option when you create a database or domain to specify that no administrator password is required. For security reasons, do not use this option in a production deployment. 

--dbpassword= password


Specifies the database password. If you use this option when you create the database, then you must provide the password each time you use an hadbm command to operate on the database. Creates a password for the HADB system user. Must be at least 8 characters. Use either this option or --dbpasswordfile, but not both.

--dbpasswordfile= filepath


Specifies a file that contains the password for the HADB system user. Use either this option or --dbpassword, but not both.

General Options

General command options can be used with any hadbm subcommand. All are boolean options that are false by default. The following table describes the hadbm general command options.

Table 3–5 hadbm General Options

Option(Short Form) 




Execute the subcommand silently without any descriptive messages. 



Display a brief description of this command and all the supported subcommands. No subcommand is required. 



Display the version details of the hadbm command. No subcommand is required.



Execute the subcommand in non-interactive mode. 



Execute the command non-interactively and does not throw an error if the command’s post condition is already achieved. 



Display the subcommand with all the options and their user-defined values or the default values, then executes the subcommand. 



URL to the management agents. URL is: hostlist:port, where hostlist is a comma separated list of hostnames or IP-addresses, and port is the port number on which the management agent is operating.

Default is localhost:1862. 

NOTE: This option is not valid with hadbm addnodes.

Environment Variables

For convenience, you can set an environment variable instead of specifying a command option. The following table describes environment variables that correspond to hadbm command options.

Table 3–6 HADB Options and Environment Variables

Long Form 

Short Form 


Environment Variable 



























Solaris and Linux: /var/opt/SUNWhadb

Windows: C:\Sun\AppServer\SUNWhadb\vers, where vers is the HADB version number.
























Solaris and Linux: /var/opt/SUNWhadb

Windows: REPLACEDIR, replaced by the actual URL at runtime. 


















































