Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 High Availability Administration Guide

Managing Domains

You can perform the following operations on an HADB domain:

See Security Options and General Options for a description of command options.

Extending a Domain

Use extenddomain to add hosts to an existing management domain. The command syntax is:

hadbm extenddomain  
[--adminpassword=password | --adminpasswordfile=file]  

IP addresses of HADB hosts must be IPv4 addresses.

For more information, see hadbm-extenddomain(1).

Deleting a Domain

Use deletedomain to remove a management domain. The command syntax is:

hadbm deletedomain  
[--adminpassword=password | --adminpasswordfile=file]  

For more information, see hadbm-deletedomain(1).

Removing Hosts from a Domain

Use reducedomain to remove hosts from the management domain. The command syntax is:

hadbm reducedomain  
[--adminpassword=password | --adminpasswordfile=file]  

For more information, see hadbm-reducedomain(1).

Listing Hosts in a Domain

Use listdomain to list all hosts defined in the management domain. The command syntax is:

hadbm listdomain  
[--adminpassword=password | --adminpasswordfile=file]  

For more information, see hadbm-listdomain(1).