Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 High Availability Administration Guide

Configuring a Highly Available Broker Cluster in the Remote Mode

  1. Start HADB.

  2. Create database tables.

  3. Copy the HA driver if you are creating a highly available broker cluster.

    cp $AS_HOME/hadb/4.4.3-6/lib/hadbjdbc4.jar $S1AS_HOME/imq/lib/ext
  4. Create a domain and start it. To do this, use the commands asadmin create-domain and start-domain. For more information about these commands, see create-domain(1) and start-domain(1).

  5. Create a node agent and start it. To do this, use the asadmin commands create-domain and start-node-agent. For more information about these commands, see create-node-agent(1) and start-node-agent(1).

  6. Create a cluster. You can create a cluster either using the asadmin command create-cluster or using the Admin Console. For more information, see create-cluster(1). For information on how to create a cluster using the Admin Console, see the Admin Console Online Help.

  7. Create instances in the cluster. While creating an instance, specify the JMS Provider port number being used by the remote broker. If you do not specify one, it will take the default JMS Provider port number.

  8. Delete the default JMS Host and create JMS hosts to which the instances can connect. Be sure to add each broker as a separate JMS host. For more information on JMS Hosts, see JMS Hosts List.

  9. Set the JMS type as Remote. You can do this using the asadmin command set or from the JMS Service page in the Admin Console.

  10. Set JMS Availability to true if you are configuring a highly available broker. You can do this using the asadmin command set or from the JMS Availability page in the Admin Console.

  11. Start the broker instances.

  12. Start the cluster. For more information, see start-cluster(1).