The WSIT Tutorial Type

Guideline: Use the @XmlSchemaType annotation for a strongly typed binding to a .NET client generated with the DataContractSerializer. maps to xs:string. .NET maps xs:string to System.string. Annotation @XmlSchemaType can be used to define a more strongly typed binding to a .NET client generated with the DataContractSerializer. @XmlSchemaType can be used to map to xs:anyURI. .NET’s DataContractSerializer and XmlSerializer bind xs:anyURI differently:

Thus, the above technique only works if the WSDL is processed using DataContractSerializer.

Example: @XmlSchemaType and DataContractSerializer

// Java code fragment
public class PurchaseOrder
     public uri;

//-- Schema fragment
<xs:complexType name="purchaseOrder">
        <xs:element name="uri" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/>

//--- .NET auto generated code from schema
//--- Using svcutil.exe /serializer:DataContractSerializer <wsdl file>
public partial class purchaseOrder : object,

    private System.Uri uriField;

    //-- ..... other generated code ........
    public System.Uri uri
        get { return this.uriField; }
        set { this.uriField = value; }

//--- C# code fragment
purchaseOrder tmpU = new purchaseOrder()
tmpU.uri = new System.Uri("../Hello", System.UriKind.Relative);

Example:@XmlSchemaType and XmlSerializer

// Java code fragment
public class PurchaseOrder
    public uri;

//--- .NET auto generated code from schema
//--- Using svcutil.exe /serializer:XmlSerializer <wsdl file>
public partial class purchaseOrder
    private string uriField;
    public string uri
        get { return this.uriField; }
        set { this.uriField = value; }

//--- C# code fragment
purchaseOrder tmpU = new purchaseOrder()
tmpU.uri = "";