The WSIT Tutorial

@XmlElement Annotation

Guideline: The @XmlElement annotation maps a property or field to an XML element. This is also the default mapping in the absence of any other JAXB 2.0 annotations. The annotation parameters in @XmlElement can be used to specify whether the element is optional or required, nillable or not. The following examples illustrate the corresponding bindings in the .NET client.

Example: Map a field or property to a nillable element

//-- Java code fragment
public class PurchaseOrder {

    // Map a field to a nillable XML element
    public java.math.BigDecimal price;

//-- Schema fragment
<xs:complexType name="purchaseOrder">
        <xs:element name="price" type="xs:decimal"
                    nillable="true" minOccurs="0" />

// .NET auto generated code from schema
public partial class purchaseOrder {
    private System.Nullable<decimal> priceField;
    private bool priceFieldSpecified;

    public decimal price
        get { return this.priceField; }
        set { this.priceField = value; }

    public bool priceSpecified {
        get { return this.priceFieldSpecified; }
        set { this.priceFieldSpecified = value;}

Example: Map a property or field to a nillable, required element

//-- Java code fragment
public class PurchaseOrder {

    // Map a field to a nillable XML element
    @XmlElement(nillable=true, required=true)
    public java.math.BigDecimal price;

//-- Schema fragment
<xs:complexType name="purchaseOrder">
        <xs:element name="price" type="xs:decimal"
                    nillable="true" minOccurs="1" />

// .NET auto generated code from schema
public partial class purchaseOrder {
    private System.Nullable<decimal> priceField;
    public decimal price
        get { return this.priceField; }
        set { this.priceField = value; }