Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Update 1-9.1 Update 2 Release Notes

Starting Application Server with additional JMX Agent is not supported (6200011)


J2SE 1.4.x, 5.0, or later can be configured on the Application Server. An integral feature of J2SE 5.0 platform is the ability to start a JMX agent. This is activated when you explicitly set system properties at the server startup.

Example values include:

name="" value="true"
name="" value="9999"
name="" value="false"
name="" value="false"

After configuring JMX properties and starting the server, a new jmx-connector server is started within the Application Server Virtual Machine. An undesirable side-effect of this is that the administration functions are affected adversely, and the Application Server administration Console and command—line interface may produce unexpected results. The problem is that there are some conflicts between the built in jmx-connector server and the new jmx-connector server.


If using jconsole (or any other JMX-compliant client), consider reusing the standard JMX Connector Server that is started with Application Server startup.

When the server starts up, a line similar to the one shown below appears in the server.log. You can connect to the JMXService URL specified there and perform the same management/configuration operations after successfully providing the credentials; for example:

Here is the JMXServiceURL for the JMXConnectorServer: 
rmi-jmx-connector]. This is where the remote administrative 
clients should connect using the JSR 160 JMX Connectors.|#]

For more information, refer to the Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Administration Guide.