Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Update 1-9.1 Update 2 Release Notes

Documentation does not explicitly state that you need to create JMS resources (6198003)


Documentation does not explicitly state that you need to create JMS resources before running the MQ Failover Sample Application following the asadmin deploy instructions.

The error thrown is as follows:

/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/config/sun-acc.xml -name 
MQFailoverTestClient -textauth -user j2ee -password j2ee
Nov 18, 2004 10:50:17 PM com.sun.enterprise.naming.NamingManagerImpl 
SEVERE: NAM0006: JMS Destination object not found: jms/durable/TopicA
Nov 18, 2004 10:50:18 PM com.sun.enterprise.naming.NamingManagerImpl 
SEVERE: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException

The documentation does not explicitly state that JMS resources must be manually created if manual deployment is done using asadmin deploy commands, and that the provided ant targets to deploy the sample application should be used.


Use the asant deploy target for the build.xml script, which creates the required JMS resources to run the application.