This section covers the following topics:
To Install Application Server 9.1 Update 1 with MySQL Community Server
To Install Application Server 9.1 Update 1 with MySQL Community Server in Silent Mode
Use this procedure if you are using the CLI or GUI mode of the file-based installer for the Application Server 9.1 Update 1 with MySQL Community Server distribution. Verify that your system meets the requirements specified in Hardware and Software Requirements in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Update 1 Release Notes
Solaris and Linux installations support both root and non-root user installations. Users of Windows installations should have Power User or Administrator access. If you are installing as a non-root user on Solaris or Linux, you must have read-write access to the following directories:
The installation directory you select
The home directory of the installation user
The /var/tmp directory
The /tmp directory
Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the distribution file.
If you have downloaded a .bin file, change the permission of the distribution file so that you have execute access:
chmod +x distribution_filename
Run the installation program.
If you are installing from a .bin file, use the following command to run the installation program :
Use the -console option to run the installation program in command-line mode.
If you are installing from a .zip file, unzip the file, navigate to the extracted folder, and run the following command:
Use the -console option to run the installation program in command-line mode.
On Mac OS systems, you need download JDK (version 1.5.0_12 or above) separately.
If you are installing from an .exe file on Windows, double-click the file.
Read and accept the license agreement.
Specify the directory where you want to install the software or accept the default installation directory.
On Windows, ensure that there are no spaces within the installation directory you specify. Installation paths with embedded spaces are not supported.
In the Administration Configuration page (or when prompted at the command line), enter the following:
Admin User Name – Name of the user who administers the server.
Password – Admin user’s password to access the Admin Server (8-character minimum).
Choose whether you want to be prompted for the Admin User Name and Password.
Admin Port – Administration port number for initial server instance. The default value is 4848.
HTTP Port - Port number to access the default server instance. You need to provide this value only if you had selected to install DAS.
HTTPS Port - Secure port number to access the default server instance. You need to provide this value only if you had selected to install DAS.
The installation program automatically detects ports in use and suggests unused ports for the default settings.
Administration Server - The default is 4848
HTTP server - The default is 8080
HTTPS sever - The default is 8181
In addition, five other ports are automatically assigned. You can change the automatically assigned values after installation using the Admin Console. The default ports assigned are:
If these default port numbers are in use, the installation program assigns random port numbers from the dynamic port range. This number may not be the next available port number.
In the Installation Options page, select the options that you want. Installation Options are:
Upgrade from Previous Version: Select this option to upgrade from configuration data from an earlier installation of Application Server.
If you are running the installer in command-line mode, you need to run the asupgrade command manually.
Enable Updatecenter Client: Select this option to enable Updatecenter to check for available updates and collect system data.
Create Desktop Shortcut to the AutoDeploy directory: Select this option to automatically deploy items dragged to this directory. You see this option only if you are using Windows.
Add bin Directory to PATH: Select this option to add install-dir/bin to the PATH variable for simplifying the process of running the server and tools from the command line. You see this option only if you are using Windows.
Create a Windows Service for Application Server: Select this option to create a Windows Service for starting and stopping Application Server.
To create a Windows service, the sc.exe utility must be available on the system. Windows 2000 users may need to install the Windows 2000 Resource Kit to get this utility. For other supported Windows versions, the utility is included in the operating system.
Create a Windows Service for MySQL Community Server: Select this option to create a Windows Service for MySQL, with startup type configured as manual.
In the MySQL Configuration panel, choose the size of your machine.
This installation creates a preconfigured options or configuration file to be used for MySQL Community Server. The parameters in this options file depend on the size of your machine.
SMALL: Select this option for a system with 64 MB memory or lesser and does not run MySQL regularly. Ensure that mysqld daemon does not use many resources.
MEDIUM: Select this option for a system that has 32 MB - 64 MB memory and runs MySQL regularly. Select this option for a system with a maximum of 128 MB and if you are using MySQL with other software (such as a web server).
LARGE: Select this option for a system with 512 MB or lesser and runs mainly MySQL.
HEAVY: Select this option for a system with 4 GB of memory and runs mainly MySQL using InnoDB-only tables and performs complex queries with few connections.
HUGE: Select this option for a system with memory of 1 GB - 2 GB and runs mainly MySQL.
After installation, the MySQL options file, mysql.ini, is created at install-dir/mysql. Refer for more information on the MySQL options file. Ensure that you read this option file and change values as appropriate and as documented at, prior to server startup.
On the Ready to Install page, click Install Now.
After installation completes, use the Registration Options screen for registering your installation of application server. For instructions, see To Register Your Installation of Application Server.
After installing Application Server 9.1 Update 1 with MySQL Community Server, start the application server using the instructions at Starting the Server in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Quick Start Guide.
The MySQL installation is located at install-dir/mysql. Set up MySQL using the instructions at To Set Up MySQL, if you are using Solaris, Linux, or Mac OS. Start MySQL using the instructions at To Start MySQL.
For solutions to installation problems, see Chapter 3, Installation Problems, in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Troubleshooting Guide.
You can use this procedure only with theApplication Server 9.1 Update 1 with MySQL Community Server installer. Silent mode installation is non-interactive. You must first provide a configuration file for information that the installer needs. The following topics are discussed:
The installation configuration file is created when you use the savestate option when starting an interactive installation. During the interactive installation, your input is collected and stored in the configuration file you specified. This file forms the template for silent installation, which you can use later to install the product on one or more machines. If needed, you can modify the installation configuration file.
On Solaris and Linux, for the graphical interface the syntax is:
./distribution_filename -savestate configuration_filename
On Solaris and Linux, for the command-line interface, the syntax is:
./distribution_filename -console -savestate configuration_filename
To create the installation configuration file on the Windows platform, start the installation program from the command line. Change to the directory where the executable file resides. For the graphical method the syntax is:
distribution_filename -savestate configuration_filename
On Windows, for the command-line method, the syntax is:
distribution_filename -console -savestate configuration_filename.
If you do not include a path to the installation configuration file, the file is created in the directory where you are running the installation program.
The following example shows an installation configuration file created by running the installation program with the savestate option.
# # Wizard Statefile created: Fri Mar 21 11:42:36 IST 2008 # Wizard path: /var/tmp/sjsasAAAvXaW4p/appserv.class # # # Install Wizard Statefile section for Sun Java System Application Server # # [STATE_BEGIN Sun Java System Application Server b146d7a741e40985b9d99975a81c9741253346b6] defaultInstallDirectory = /SUNWappserver currentInstallDirectory = /space/programs/as91ee/temp JDK_LOCATION = /space/programs/as9/jdk5/jdk INST_ASADMIN_USERNAME = admin INST_ASADMIN_PASSWORD = ngghybgbednrreyatoqzvanqzva INST_MASTER_PASSWORD = pgyrcyuakieqyuqlkurvunatrvg INST_ASADMIN_PORT = 44517 INST_ASWEB_PORT = 44514 INST_HTTPS_PORT = 44520 STORE_ADMIN_AUTH = TRUE ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED = TRUE INST_JMS_PORT = 44532 INST_ORB_PORT = 44529 INST_ORB_SSL_PORT = 44535 INST_ORB_MUTUALAUTH_PORT = 44538 INST_JMX_PORT = 44541 CREATE_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT = FALSE UPDATE_PATH = FALSE CREATE_UPDATE_ICON = CREATE_WINDOWS_SERVICE = FALSE CREATE_MYSQL_WINDOWS_SERVICE = FALSE CREATE_DAS = TRUE [STATE_DONE Sun Java System Application Server b146d7a741e40985b9d99975a81c9741253346b6] |
You can modify the installation configuration file by editing the variables and values described in the following table. This table has four columns showing variable names, valid values (if applicable), contents, and comments.
Table 1–1 Installation Configuration File Variables
Variable Name |
Valid Values (If Applicable) |
Content |
Comments |
Build ID |
The string of characters following the distribution in the STATE_BEGIN and STATE_END sections. This value is automatically generated. |
No need to alter this value unless installing a different distribution file than the one that produced the configuration file. To find the build ID, enter distribution_filename -id at the command prompt. |
defaultInstallDirectory |
Default installation directory path. | ||
currentInstallDirectory |
Selected absolute installation directory path. | ||
Selected JDK installation directory path. |
This entry is needed only for distributions that do not contain a bundled JDK. |
Administrator user name for initial server instance. | ||
Administrator password for initial server instance. |
This entry is obfuscated by default. See also:ADMIN_PASSWORD_ENCRYPTED. |
0 - 65535 |
Administration server port number for initial server instance. |
Default value is 4848. |
0 - 65535 |
HTTP port number for initial server instance. |
Default value is 8080. |
0 - 65535 |
HTTPS port number for initial server instance. |
Default value is 8081. |
Whether to create admin authentication user preference file. | |
Obfuscated admin password flag. |
In the initial statefile created by the product installer, this flag is set to TRUE, since the admin password value is obfuscated for security reasons. To override the value for admin password, enter INST_ASADMIN_PASSWORD value in clear text and set this flag to FALSE to enable silent installation to process it correctly. |
0 - 65535 |
JMS port number for initial server instance. |
If the configuration file does not include this entry, default value of 7676 is used. |
0 - 65535 |
ORB port number for initial server instance. |
If the configuration file does not include this entry, default value of 3700 is used. |
0 - 65535 |
Secure ORB port number for initial server instance. |
If the configuration file does not include this entry, default value of 3820 is used. |
0 - 65535 |
Mutual authentication ORB port number for initial server instance. |
If the configuration file does not include this entry, default value of 3920 is used. |
0 - 65535 |
JMX port number for initial server instance. |
If the configuration file does not include this entry, default value of 8686 is used. |
Size of the machine on which you will be running MySQL. |
This installation creates a preconfigured options or configuration file to be used for MySQL Community Server. The parameters in this options file depend on the size of your machine. |
Whether to create autodeploy folder desktop shortcut. |
Valid for Windows platforms only and is disregarded otherwise. |
Whether to update PATH environment variable to include Application Server bin directory. |
Valid only for Windows platforms and is disregarded otherwise. If this entry is not present, default value of FALSE is used. |
Whether to create a Windows service to start the application server. |
Valid for Windows platforms only and is disregarded otherwise. |
Whether to create a Windows service for MySQL, with startup type configured as manual. |
Valid for Windows platforms only and is disregarded otherwise. |
Add-ons selected for installation. If no add-ons are selected, the value is blank. |
Valid for Java EE SDK SOA Starter Kit Preview installations only and is disregarded otherwise. |
Creates a DAS if set to TRUE. The default domain is named domain1 and is created under default domain-root-dir. |
Equivalent to selecting "Domain Administration Server" component in component selection panel. |
After creating the configuration file, use it to install Application Server in silent mode as many times as needed. Use the following procedure:
Review the installation configuration file and verify that it contains the values to use for your silent installation.
Copy your installation configuration file to each machine where you plan to install the software.
Copy the Application Server distribution file to each machine where you plan to install the software.
Navigate to the directory where you copied the distribution file and your installation configuration file.
Start silent installation at the command line using one of the following command formats:
On Solaris or Linux:
./distribution_filename -silent configuration_filename
On Windows:
distribution_filename -silent configuration_filename
The installation program reads the specified configuration_filename, checks for adequate disk space, then installs the product based on the data in configuration_filename.
When the prompt is returned, the silent installation is complete and the installation components are installed on your systems.
After installing Application Server 9.1 Update 1 with MySQL Community Server, start the application server using the instructions at Starting the Server in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Quick Start Guide.
The MySQL installation is located at install-dir/mysql. Set up MySQL using the instructions at To Set Up MySQL, if you are using Solaris, Linux, or Mac OS. Start MySQL using the instructions at To Start MySQL.
For solutions to installation problems, see Chapter 3, Installation Problems, in Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Troubleshooting Guide.
This section covers the following topics:
You need to perform these steps only if you are using Solaris or Linux platforms.
Create a MySQL user account.
Refer to your operating system manual for instructions on how to create a user account. It is recommended that you create an operating system user account called mysql and group called dba for performing MySQL operations. Ensure that install-dir/mysql and its subdirectories including the data directory are owned by this user account.
Initialize the grant tables.
On Solaris, at the command prompt, you can use the following commands to initialize grant tables:
See for detailed post-installation instructions for setting up MySQL.
On Solaris, Linux, or Mac OS, ensure that you have completed the steps at To Set Up MySQL. Ensure that you read this option file and change values as appropriate and as documented at, prior to server startup.
To start MySQL:
To stop MySQL: