Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Update 1 Upgrade and Migration Guide

ProcedureTo Upgrade Remote Node Agents (Side-by-side)

  1. Perform the upgrade to Application Server 9.1 Update 1 on Machine A by Upgrading Application Server Runtime Binaries and Upgrading Application Server Configuration, Deployed Applications, and Certificate Databases.

  2. Install Application Server 9.1 Update 1 on Machine B without the DAS but with the Node Agent feature.

    Note –

    Machine A is the primary machine. It runs the DAS. Machine B is a secondary machine, which is not running the DAS. Machine B runs remote node agents that are configured to communicate with Machine A.

  3. Check the value of the agent.das.port property in the file before starting the node agent for the first time. Perform this check on the file on Machine B. The value of the agent.das.port property must reflect the same value as the jmx-connector port defined in the domain.xml file on Machine A.

    There are two ways to determine this port number:

    • It is displayed as part of the message for the start-domain(1) command run on the DAS machine. Look for the following line in the command output of asadmin start-domain: [service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://comet:8686/jmxrmi] for domain management purposes. This line indicates that the JMX port number is 8686.

    • It is recorded in the domain's domain.xml file on the Machine A. Find the admin-service element with das-and-server attribute type. Look at the jmx-connector sub-element for this element and find the attribute port. The value of this attribute is the port number of the JMX port.

    Edit the agent.das.port property in file on Machine B, as required.

  4. Check the value of the agent.bind.status property in the file before starting the node agent for the first time. Perform this check on the file on Machine B. The value of the agent.bind.status property must BOUND. Edit the agent.bind.status property in the files on Machine B, as required.

  5. On Machine A, start each node agent using the start-node-agent command.

  6. On Machine B, start each node agent using the start-node-agent command.

  7. If you are using non-default admin ports, you must additionally perform the following steps:

    Before you perform these steps, ensure that you start the node agents so that the required configuration files are created. However, the startup of node agents will not be successful.

    1. Change directory to the node agents config directory (as-install/nodeagents/nodeagent-name/agent/config). Edit the file. The value of agent.das.port property is the admin port number of the DAS machine with which this node-agent communicates. Edit this value to match the value of the jmxrmi port number of the DAS machine.

      There are two ways to find the jmxrmi port number:

      • The DAS' start-domain command outout displays the jmxrmi value. Look for the following line: Standard JMX Clients (like JConsole) can connect to JMXServiceURL: [service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://comet:8696/jmxrmi] for domain management purposes. The jmxrmi port is 8696. Set agent.das.port to this value.

      • Search the domain.xml file in the appropriate domain on the DAS machine. Find element admin-service element with das-and-server attribute type. Look at the jmx-connector sub-element for this element and find the attribute port. The value of this attribute is the port number of the jmxrmi port. Update the property value, save, and exit the file

    2. Edit the file. If the agent.bind.status property is set to UNBOUND, change the value to BOUND. Save and exit the file.

  8. Start the node agent. The --syncinstances=true option need not be used.