Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 管理指南

使用外部 JNDI 儲存庫和資源

通常,Application Server 上執行的應用程式需要存取儲存在外部 JNDI 儲存庫中的資源。例如,一般的 Java 物件可能會以 Java 模式儲存在 LDAP 伺服器中。外部 JNDI 資源元素允許使用者配置此類外部資源儲存庫。外部 JNDI 工廠必須實作 javax.naming.spi.InitialContextFactory 介面。

使用外部 JNDI 資源的範例為:

 <!-- external-jndi-resource element specifies how to access J2EE resources
 -- stored in an external JNDI repository. The following example
 -- illustrates how to access a java object stored in LDAP.
 -- factory-class element specifies the JNDI InitialContext factory that
 -- needs to be used to access the resource factory. property element
 -- corresponds to the environment applicable to the external JNDI context
 -- and jndi-lookup-name refers to the JNDI name to lookup to fetch the
 -- designated (in this case the java) object.
  <external-jndi-resource jndi-name="test/myBean"
    <property name="PROVIDER-URL" value="ldap://ldapserver:389/o=myObjects" />
    <property name="SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION" value="simple" />
    <property name="SECURITY_PRINCIPAL", value="cn=joeSmith, o=Engineering" />
    <property name="SECURITY_CREDENTIALS" value="changeit" />