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Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.1 Resources Reference 

JMS Listener

The JMS Listener adapter is a JMS (Java Message Service) client which provides the ability to perform Active Sync processing on messages from a JMS-compliant messaging system queue or topic.

This adapter is a source-only adapter; it cannot write messages back to a queue or topic.

The JMS Listener resource adapter is defined in the com.waveset.adapter.JmsListenerResourceAdapter class.

Resource Configuration Notes

The JMS Listener adapter can only interact with a messaging system which supports the JMS (Java Message Service) open standard, version 1.1 or later.

The adapter interacts with the source JMS messaging system topic or queue through standard JNDI lookups of a specified connection factory and destination. Therefore, the messaging system administrator must ensure that the connection factory and destination have been previously created and are available through standard JNDI lookups.

Identity Manager Installation Notes

The JMS Listener resource adapter works only in an application server environment that supports the following:

The application server administrator must ensure that the Identity Manager web application can successfully bind via JNDI to the JMS connection factory and destination objects appropriate for the source JMS messaging system.

Usage Notes


When Active Sync processing begins, a connection to the source messaging system is first made using the connection factory specified with the JNDI name of Connection factory resource parameter field. If specified, the User and Password fields are used for authentication when establishing the connection. If the fields are not specified, the connection are established using the default authentication.

The JMS Listener adapter operates in synchronous mode. It establishes a synchronous message consumer on the queue or topic destination specified by the JNDI name of Destination field. During each poll interval, the adapter will receive and process all available messages. Messages can be (optionally) additionally qualified by defining a valid JMS message selector string for the Message Selector field.

The connection factory and destination attributes must specify objects which correspond to the specified destination type. If a destination type of Durable Topic is specified, the additional fields of Durable Topic ClientID and Durable Topic Subscription Label are used to configure the durable subscription.

Message Mapping

When the adapter processes a qualified message, the received JMS message is first converted to a map of named values using the mechanism specified by the Message Mapping field. Refer to this resulting map as the message value map.

The message value map is then translated to the Active Sync map using the account attributes schema map. If the adapter has account attributes specified, the adapter searches the message value map for key names that also appear as a resource user attribute in the schema map. If present, the value is copied to the Active Sync map, but the entry name in the Active Sync map is translated to the name specified in the Identity system user attribute column in the schema map.

If the message value map has an entry that cannot be translated using the account attributes schema map, then the entry from the message value map is copied unaltered to the Active Sync map.

Guaranteed Delivery/Reliable Processing

The responsibility of guaranteed delivery lies with the sender of the message. Only messages sent persistently will be stored until delivered by the messaging system. This guarantees that the message will not be lost due to a crash or shutdown of the messaging system. This is referred to as once-and-only-once delivery.

The Reliable Messaging Support field indicates the form of reliable message processing the adapter should perform.

LifeCycle Listener

An optional lifecycle listener class can be registered with the adapter with the Message LifeCycle Listener field. The lifecycle listener can be used to perform:


If connection is lost to the messaging system (for example, the messaging system server has been shut down), the adapter can be configured to periodically attempt to reconnect with the messaging system to re-establish the listener.

The Re-initialize upon exception check box enables reconnect behavior. You can set the frequency to attempt reconnect with the Connection Retry Frequency (secs) field.

Security Notes

This section provides information about supported connections and privilege requirements.

Supported Connections

Many messaging systems support the capability to encrypt messages between clients and brokers. The configuration is specific to each messaging system. However, typically the encryption is abstracted so that the choice of a specially-configured connection factory is sufficient to enable encryption between the JMS Listener adapter and the messaging system broker.

Required Administrative Privileges

The user and password configured for the JMS Listener adapter must be an authenticated user in the JMS messaging system, and that user must be granted sufficient privilege to read messages from the JMS destination.

The messaging system administrator should protect the JMS connection by disabling default authentication. For further protection, the messaging system administrator should configure the authorization (access control) to optimize security.

Provisioning Notes

The following table summarizes the provisioning capabilities of the JmsListener adapter.



Create account


Update account


Delete account


Enable/disable account


Rename account


Pass-through authentication


Before/after actions


Data loading methods


Account Attributes

The JMS Listener adapter does not provide default account attributes because the account attributes vary greatly, depending on the semantics of the messages read from the topic or queue.

You must define an account attribute in which the Identity System user attribute is named accountId.

Resource Object Management

Not supported.

Identity Template

None. You must supply the identity template with a valid value.

Sample Forms



Use the Identity Manager debug pages to set trace options on the following class:


You may also set the following Active Sync logging parameters for the resource instance:

The Test Configuration button in the resource wizard when creating or editing a resource of type JMS Listener does an extensive check. It is valuable to troubleshoot configuration issues.

Additionally, a simple tool to send or publish messages to a queue or topic is available in a report called Send JMS Message. To use the report, first import the exchange file $WSHOME/sample/SendJMSMessageReport.xml. You can then create instances of the Send JMS Message report. When an instance of this report is run, it writes the specified message to the specified queue or topic.

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