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Sun Java[TM] System Identity Manager 7.1 Resources Reference 


The Siebel resource adapter has been deprecated. Use the Siebel CRM resource adapter (described in the next section) instead.

Siebel CRM

The Siebel CRM resource adapter is defined in the com.waveset.adapter.SiebelCRMResourceAdapter class.

This adapter supports the following Siebel versions:

Identity Manager Installation Notes

The Siebel CRM resource adapter is a custom adapter. You must perform the following steps to complete the installation process:

  1. To add the Siebel CRM resource to the resources list, you must add the following value in the Custom Resources section of the Configure Managed Resources page.
  2. com.waveset.adapter.SiebelCRMResourceAdapter

  3. Copy the appropriate JAR files to the InstallDir\idm\WEB-INF\lib directory, as listed in the following table.
  4. The JAR file versions must match the version of the Siebel CRM resource:

    Siebel 6.0

    Siebel 7.0

    Siebel 7.7 and 7.8

    • SiebelDataBean.jar
    • SiebelTC_enu.jar
    • SiebelTcCommon.jar
    • SiebelTcOM.jar
    • SiebelJI_Common.jar
    • SiebelJI_enu.jar
    • SiebelJI.jar
    • Siebel.jar
    • SiebelJI_enu.jar


    Do not copy the JAR files for multiple versions of Siebel into the InstallDir\idm\WEB-INF\lib directory. You might encounter conflicts between versions.

Resource Configuration Notes


Usage Notes

Choosing Business Objects and Components

By default, the Siebel CRM adapter uses the Employee Siebel business component of the Employee Siebel business object for account provisioning. However, you can configure the adapter to use any Siebel business component of any Siebel business object for account provisioning.

You can use the Siebel Tools Client to inspect your business component and to verify which attributes are available for provisioning. The default schema map has some common attributes that are useful for the default Employee business component.

You may have to add, remove, or change attributes to manage your Siebel environment – especially if you have configured the adapter to use a business object or business component other than the default.

The following steps are a basic guide to discovering which attributes Identity Manager can provision to your Siebel environment using the Siebel Tools client:

  1. Open the Siebel Tools' Object Explorer.
  2. Click the Business Component icon.
  3. Scroll down or create a query to select the desired business component.
  4. Select Fields within the Object Explorer.
  5. A list of fields available to the business component should display.

The field Name column values shown in the Object Explorer are typically used for the right-hand side (or the Resource User Attribute), within the schema map of your configured Siebel CRM resource.

In general, you can manage any of these fields to some degree. However, if you want to manage a multi-valued field or a pick-list field, you must specify a different format for the right-hand side of the schema map, as follows:

Managing Primary Values in Multi-Value Groups

The adapter performs the following actions when a multi-value group (MVG) already contains a single member that is designated as primary:

If there are currently multiple values in an MVG with one of the values marked as the primary:

To move a primary marker from an existing value to a new value when multiple values exist, you must add an account attribute to the schema map. The name of this attribute must be in the form “Primary MVG_Name”, where MVG_Name is a value such as Employee Organization Id or Position. Therefore, the attribute will have a name such as Primary Employee Organization Id or Primary Position. Then, in the user form, set the Primary attribute to the desired value.

Advanced Navigation

The advanced navigation feature of the Siebel CRM adapter allows you to create and update child business components. This is an advanced feature that is not typically implemented in Identity Manager.

The advanced navigation feature allows you to optionally specify the following information needed to create and update child business components:

An advanced navigation rule can be used during create and update actions. It cannot be used for other types of actions.

To implement the advanced navigation feature of the Siebel CRM adapter, you must perform the following tasks:

Provisioning Notes

The following table summarizes the provisioning capabilities of this adapter.



Enable/disable account


Rename account


Create account


Update account


Delete account


Pass-through authentication


Before/after actions


Data loading methods

  • Import directly from resource
  • Reconciliation

Account Attributes

The default schema map assumes that the Employee business object and Employee business component are configured. You might have to add, remove, or change attributes to manage your Siebel environment – especially if you have configured the adapter to use a business object or business component other than the default.

Identity System User Attribute

Resource User Attribute



Login Name

User's login name


First Name

User's first name


Last Name

User's last name



Multi-value attribute that contains a list of responsibilities you want to assign to the employee. You must manage this attribute in the user form with a multi-select box.

The Responsibility field is set as a multi-select box in the sample Siebel CRM User Form.



Multi-value attribute that contains a list of positions you want to assign to the employee.

All assigned positions must exist in Siebel.

To assign a Primary Position, add the Primary Position attribute to your schema map and set the attribute to the name of the position you want to make primary.

Security Notes

This section provides information about supported connections and privilege requirements.

Supported Connections

Identity Manager can use HTTP or RSA to communicate with the Siebel CRM adapter. (See the Siebel user documentation for more information.)

Required Administrative Privileges

Ensure the administrator user name/password configured for the adapter is assigned sufficient privileges within Siebel to create new records and to update existing records for the specified business component.

Resource Object Management

By default, the Siebel CRM adapter supports the following Siebel objects:

Resource Object

Features Supported

Attributes Managed


  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Rename
  • Name
  • Division
  • Primary Employee
  • Description

If necessary, you can manually configure the adapter to support additional resource object types by editing the resource prototype XML as follows:

  1. Add a new <ObjectType> element to the XML, following the default Employee:Position object type example.
  2. Replace Employee with the name of the preferred Siebel business object.
  3. Replace Position with the name of the preferred Siebel business component.
  4. Verify that the embedded <ObjectAttributes> element has an idAttr attribute that names which <ObjectAttribute> will be used to uniquely identity each item in the business component.

Identify Template

The default identity template is $accountId$.

Sample Forms

The following sample forms are provided with this resource adapter:



SiebelCRM User Form


SiebelCRM Create
Employee:Position Form


SiebelCRM Update
Employee:Position Form



Use the Identity Manager debug pages to set trace options on the following class:


Additionally, you can set the following Identity Manager Active Sync logging parameters for the resource instance:

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