
These Product Notes contain important and late-breaking information about the Sun SPARC® Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers hardware, software, and documentation that became known after the documentation set was published.

Technical Support

If you have technical questions or issues that are not addressed in the Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers documentation, contact your local Sun Service representative.

For customers in the U.S. or Canada, call 1-800-USA-4SUN (1-800-872-4786). For customers in the rest of the world, find the World Wide Solution Center nearest you by visiting the following web site:

Software Resources

The Solaristrademark Operating System and Sun Javatrademark Enterprise System software are preinstalled on your Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers.

Additional Information

For additional information, read the release notes which come with your Solaris documentation, as well as the latest Solaris 10 Sun Hardware Platform Guide. Also, check the documentation web page for any additional supplements to this book. The most up-to-date information is posted at:

Accessing Documentation

Instructions for installing, administering, and using your servers are provided in the Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers documentation set. The entire documentation set is available for download from the following web site:

Note - Information in these product notes supersedes the information in the Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 servers documentation set.

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:

Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:

Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Product Notes for XCP 1081, part number 820-7236-11