Using the WSDL Editor

Adding Inline Schemas Using the WSDL View

The WSDL Editor provides support for the built-in simple types in W3C XML Schema. The built-in simple types include such types as string, date, and integer.

You can define your own data types by adding an inline schema. The WSDL Editor enables you to configure one or more schema elements and types, and to define the structure of the elements and types.

ProcedureTo add an inline schema

  1. In the WSDL view, right-click the Types node.

  2. Choose Add -> Inline Schema from the pop-up menu.

    The inline schema node appears.

ProcedureTo configure the global properties of the inline schema

  1. If the Properties window is not visible, choose Window -> Properties.

  2. Select the inline schema node.

  3. Perform one or more of the following optional tasks:

    • Specify a unique ID.

    • Specify whether locally declared attributes must be qualified with the namespace prefix.

    • Specify whether locally declared elements must be qualified with the namespace prefix.

    • Specify the default value of the block attribute, which controls the use of substitution.

    • Specify the default value of the final attribute, which controls the use of type derivation.

    • Specify the version of the schema.

    • Specify the target namespace of the schema.

To define the structure of the inline schema

To define the structure of the inline schema, add one or more of the following XML Schema components as necessary. The interface is the same as the Schema view that appears when you edit an XML schema.