Planning for GlassFish ESB Installation

GlassFish ESB Supported Operating Systems and External Systems

The following topics list the supported operating systems for both the design-time (NetBeans) and runtime (GlassFish) components of GlassFish ESB, and also list the supported external systems for the components of GlassFish ESB.

For a list of supported standards, expand the link under How is OpenESB different? in About Open ESB.

Supported Design-Time Platforms

The operating systems that are compatible with GlassFish ESB design-time components are the same as those that are compatible with NetBeans 6.5:

Supported Runtime Platforms

The operating systems that are compatible with GlassFish ESB runtime components are the same as those that are compatible with GlassFish v2.1:

Note –

Macintosh OS X is supported for development purposes only, and is not supported for production deployments.

Supported External Systems

This topic lists the external systems that are supported for each GlassFish ESB component.

BPEL Service Engine

The BPEL Service Engine supports BPEL 2.0.

IEP Service Engine

Data Mashup Service Engine

Database Binding Component

HTTP Binding Component

JMS Binding Component

LDAP Binding Component