Understanding the LDAP Binding Component

Application Configurations

An Application Configuration Object (ACO) defines a set of values that can be used to override ldap:address attributes that are defined in the WSDL, such as credentials, protocol, authentication, and so on.

Using the Application Configuration property, you can configure the external connectivity parameters for applications you create, such as a service assembly, and without changing or rebuilding the application you can deploy the same application into a different system. For example, you could take an application that is running in a test environment and deploy it to a production environment without rebuilding the application.

The properties you can define for the application configuration are normally defined in the WSDL service extensibility elements. You then apply these values to a user-named endpoint ConfigExtension Property. The Application Configuration property editor includes fields for all of the parameters that apply to the LDAP service element in the WSDL. These values override the WSDL defined connectivity attributes when your project is deployed. To change these connectivity parameters again, you simply change the values in the Application Configuration editor, then shutdown and start your Service Assembly to apply the new values.

To change a property when the application is running, change your Application Configuration property value, then right-click your application in the Services window under Servers > GlassFishV2 > JBI > Service Assemblies, and click Stop in the popup menu. When you restart your project, your new settings will take effect.