Understanding the LDAP Binding Component

Binding Level WSDL Elements

The LDAP Binding Component binding level WSDL elements include the binding, operation, and message extensibility elements.

Binding elements define the file transport-specific information for operations and messages.

LDAP Binding Element

The LDAP binding extensibility element allows the association of a binding to be LDAP protocol specific. When you create a WSDL file for a BPEL project in the NetBeans IDE, the New WSDL Document Wizard generates the LDAP binding definition, which includes a name you specify and a type that is generated by the wizard.

The following example illustrates the LDAP binding element:

<binding name="LDAPBinding" type="tns:LDAPPortType">

LDAP Operation Element

The LDAP operation element defines the supported operations. For the LDAP Binding Component the operations that can be supported include the following:

The following example illustrates the LDAP operation element:

<binding name="LDAPBinding" type="tns:LDAPPortType">
    <wsdl:operation name="LDAPSearchOperation">
        <ldap:operation type="searchRequest"/>

LDAP Output Element

The LDAP output element extends the binding element to specify properties associated with writing output messages. In the NetBeans IDE, select a ldap:output() element to view and modify the output properties. The following table describes the available output properties.

Table 2 LDAP Output Element Properties




The message part name that is returned. This is used in search operations. 


A list of attributes to be retrieved.