Using the HL7 Binding Component

Runtime Properties

The HL7 Binding Component properties specify Thread Count, Application Configuration, Application Variables, Statistics, Loggers, and reference the Binding Component's description, name, type, and state.




Displays the description of the binding component. 


Displays the name of the binding component. 


Indicates the state of the binding component as Started, or Stopped. 


Displays the component type. 

Build Number 

Displays the build version for the current component. 


Displays the components specification version. 

Number of Outbound Processor Threads 

Specifies the number of threads configured to concurrently process outbound HL7 requests. The value range is an integer from 1 to 2147483647. 

Number of Inbound Reply Threads 

Specifies the Maximum number of threads configured to process responses to HL7 client requests. The value range is an integer from 1 to 2147483647. 

Data Source Name 

Specifies the name of the data source where the sequence number and the HL7 acknowledgement message are persisted. 

Allow Dynamic Endpoint 

Specifies if Dynamic Endpoints are allowed for the HL7 Binding. For more information, see Dynamically Configuring HL7 Endpoints

Application Configuration 

Specifies the values for a Composite Application's external connectivity parameters, which are normally defined in the WSDL service extensibility elements. You can apply these values to a user-named endpoint ConfigExtension Property. The Application Configuration property editor includes fields for all of the connectivity parameters that apply to that component's binding protocol. When you enter the name of a saved ConfigExtension and define the connectivity parameters in the Application Configuration editor, these values override the WSDL defined connectivity attributes when your project is deployed. To change these connectivity parameters again, you simply change the values in the Application Configuration editor, then shutdown and start your Service Assembly to apply the new values. 


The Application Configuration parameters include the following:

  • Application Configuration Name: Specifies the name of the Application Configuration.

  • Acknowledgement Mode: Indicates the acknowledge mode type: original or enhanced.

  • SFT Enabled: Enables or disables SFT segment processing.

  • Encoding Characters: Specifies the encoding characters to be used in creating the NAK for invalid HL7 messages. This attribute contains the four characters in the following order: the component separator, repetition separator, escape character, and subcomponent separator. Recommended values are ^~\& (that is, ASCII 94, 126, 92, and 38, respectively).

  • End Block Char: Indicates the End Block Character Value in decimal ASCII number from 1 to 127. To be strictly comply with the HL7 standard, this parameter must be set to a carriage Return, which is decimal 13.

  • End Data Char: Indicates the End Data Character Value in decimal ASCII number from 1 to 127. Unless there is a conflict, the value should be ASCII VT, which is decimal 28.

  • Field Separator: Defines the Field Separator character value in a decimal ASCII number. This represents the separator between the segment ID and the first field, MSH-2-encoding characters. As such, it serves as a separator and defines the character to be used as a separator for the rest of the message. The default setting is 124 which is the character "|". The allowed range is 1 to 127. This attribute value is used in creating the NAK for invalid HL7 messages.

  • HLLP Checksum: Specifies if HLLP CheckSum is enabled.

  • Host: Specifies the host part of a URL used to connect to an HL7 external system. The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:address -> location(host).

  • LLP Type: Indicates the Lower Layer Protocol Type as MLLPv1 (Minimal Lower Layer Protocol release 1), MLLPv2 (Minimal Lower Layer Protocol release 2), and HLLP (Hybrid Lower Layer Protocol). The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> llpType.

  • MLLPV2 Retries Count on Nak: Specifies the maximum number of retries on receipt of MLLP V2 negative acknowledgement. The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> mllpv2RetriesCountOnNak.

  • MLLPV2 Retry Interval: Specifies the time duration to wait in milliseconds before each retry. The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> mllpv2RetryInterval.

  • MLLPV2.0 Time to Wait For ACK/NAK: Specifies the time duration to wait in milliseconds for receiving MLLP V2 commit acknowledgement / negative acknowledgement. The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> mllpv2TimeToWaitForAckNak.

  • Host Port: A URL part, which specifies the connectivity information to connect to the HL7 external system. The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:address -> location (port).

  • Processing ID: Specifies the ProcessingID value against which the MSH-11-ProcessingID field in the received message is validated when validateMSH is set to “true”. Valid values are P (production), D (debugging), or T (training). The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> processingID

  • Sending Application: Specifies the MSH-03 Sending Application to be used in creating the NAK for invalid HL7 messages.

  • Sending Facility: Specifies the MSH-04 Sending Facility to be used in creating the NAK for invalid HL7 messages.

  • Sequence Number: Specifies if sequence number protocol is enabled. The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> seqNumEnabled.

  • Software Binary ID: Specifies HL7 segment SFT-04, the Software Binary ID. This property is available starting with HL7 version 2.5. Software Binary IDs are issued by a vendor for each unique software version instance. These IDs are used to differentiate between differing versions of the same software.Identical Primary IDs indicate that the software is identical at the binary level, but configuration settings may differ.

    The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> softwareBinaryID.

  • Software Version or Release Number: Specifies HL7 segment SFT-02, the Software Certified Version or Release Number. The latest software version number or release number for the sending system, helps to provide a more complete profile of the application that is sending or receiving HL7 messages.

    The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> softwareCertifiedVersionOrReleaseNumber.

  • Software Install Date: Specifies HL7 segment SFT-06, the Software Install Date. This is the date, in YYYYMMDDHHSS format, on which the submitting software was installed at the sending site.

    The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> softwareInstallDate.

  • Software Product Information: Specifies HL7 segment SFT-05, software product identification information. This may include a description of the software application, configuration settings,modifications made to the software.

    The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> softwareProductInformation.

  • Software Product Name: Specifies HL7 segment SFT-03, the name of the software product that submitted the transaction. The software product name is a key component for identifying the sending application.

    The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> softwareProductName.

  • Software Vendor Organization: Defines the Software Vendor Organization field (SFT-1-Software Vendor Organization) which identifies the vendor who is responsible for maintaining the application.

    The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> softwareVendorOrganization.

  • Start Block Character: Indicates the Start Block Character Value in a decimal ASCII number from 1 to 127. Unless there is a conflict, the value should be ASCII VT, which is decimal 11.

    The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> startBlockCharacter.

  • Validate MSH: Specifies if the MSH segment in the HL7 message is validated against initiation rules.

    The equivalent WSDL attribute is hl7:protocolproperties -> validateMSH.

  • Version ID: Specifies the versionID value against which MSH-12-VersionID field in the received message is validated when validateMSH is set to true. Valid values are 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1 or 2.6.

Application Variable 

The Application Variables configured for the binding component. Application Variables allow you to define a list of name:value pairs for a given stated type. The application variable name can be used as a token for a WSDL extensibility element attribute in a corresponding binding.  

The Application Variables configuration property offers four variable types:

  • String: Specifies a string value, such as a path or directory.

  • Number: Specifies a number value.

  • Boolean: Specifies a Boolean value. The VALUE field provides a checkbox (checked = true).

  • Password: Specifies a password value. The password is masked and displays only asterisks.

For more information about using Application Variables, see Using Application Variables to Define Name/Value Pairs and Using Application Variables for Password Protection.