Using the HL7 Binding Component

Binding Level HL7 Extensibility Elements

The HL7 extensibility elements used to bind abstract WSDL messages to HL7 messages fall into three element types. Each type signifies how the binding occurs. At the binding level, the configuration applies to the entire port type. At the operation level, the configuration applies only to the operation. At the message level, the configuration applies to that particular message, whether it's input or output.

HL7 binding Element

The HL7 binding extensibility element specifies a binding that is of interest to the HL7 Binding Component. It is essentially an empty element that serves as a marker, allowing the HL7 Binding Component to gather HL7 "binding" information described by the other HL7 extensibility elements. The HL7 binding extensibility element must be specified in the WSDL to define an HL7 protocol based binding.

The following example demonstrates how the HL7 binding extensibility element is used to associate a binding with a specific HL7 protocol.

<binding name="someBinding" type="tns:somePortType">

HL7 operation Element

The HL7 operation extensibility element specifies an operation binding that is of interest to the HL7 Binding Component.

The following example demonstrates how the HL7 operation extensibility element is used to associate an abstract operation with an HL7 operation.

<binding name="someBinding" type="tns:somePortType">
        <operation name="someOperation">

HL7 message Element

The HL7 message element specifies the concrete properties associated with receiving or sending an HL7 message from or to the HL7 external system. To configure the attributes, right-click the message element and then select Properties.

Table 6 HL7 message Element Attributes

Name and Description 

Required or Optional 

Applies to Provider or Consumer 


use: Specifies if the message (part) defined is encoded using a well defined encoding style.


Common (both) 


encodingStyle: Specifies the encoding type associated with the message (part). This also defines the encoder type used to process the encoded data.


Common (both) 


part:Indicates the part of the message that contains the HL7 message to be sent.


Common (both) 


The following example demonstrates the HL7 message extensibility element defined for one-way operation.

<binding name="someBinding" type="tns:somePortType">
        <operation name="oneWayOp">
                <hl7:message part="part1" 