Using the HL7 Binding Component

ProcedureTo Access the Wizard by Creating a New File

  1. Select your project in the NetBeans IDE Projects window, then click the New File icon, or select File -> New File from the NetBeans menu.

    Ctrl+N also opens the New File Wizard.

  2. Select ESB as the Category, and select Binding as the File Type.

  3. Click Next.

    The Name and Location window appears.

  4. Enter a name for the BC, select HL7 in the Binding field, and select the type of HL7 binding in the Type field (inbound or outbound).

  5. If necessary, you can also modify the Folder and Target Namespace fields.

    The target namespace is the URL String used as the target namespace.

  6. Continue to Configuring the HL7 Binding Component in the Wizard.