BPEL Designer and Service Engine User's Guide

Using the BPEL Mapper

The section describes how to use the BPEL Mapper.

About the BPEL Mapper

Creating BPEL Mappings

Working with Predicates

XPath Function Reference

Mapping Examples

About the BPEL Mapper

The BPEL Mapper provides a framework for processing and directing BPEL process data. This framework consists of the following components:

ProcedureTo Open the BPEL Mapper Window

  1. Open the BPEL diagram and do one of the following:

    1. Double-click the element that requires BPEL Mapper. The Mapper tab opens.

    2. Select an element that requires the Mapper and on the Diagram toolbar and click the Mapper tab.

    If you want to see the Mapper and the diagram of the process at the same time, you can place the mapper into a separate window. For more information see Cloning Document Views.

Creating BPEL Mappings

You can create a mapping from the source tree pane directly to the destination tree pane, without using any of the functions. This type of mapping can be any of the following:

You can also create a mapping that uses one or more XPath functions from the BPEL Mapper's menu bar. For example, if the BPEL process includes a Wait activity that waits for a period of time, then you can use the Duration Literal function to specify the duration.

ProcedureTo Create a Mapping Without Using any Functions

  1. In the source tree pane, expand the tree component until the node that you want to map from appears.

  2. If the destination tree pane contains a tree component, then expand the tree component until the node that you want to map to appears.

  3. Select the node in the source tree pane and drag the pointer to the node in the destination tree pane.

    A link connects the nodes.

ProcedureTo Use a Function in a Mapping

  1. In the destination tree pane, expand the tree and select the node you want to map to. A blue area appears on the mapping pane. The functions you choose will appear here.

    Mapping Pane
  2. Click the drop-down menu that contains the function.

  3. Click the function.

    A function box appears in the mapping pane.

  4. Map any arguments into the appropriate connector on the left side of the function box. The source can be a node in the source tree pane or the output from another function box. If an argument is optional, then a question mark appears after the argument name.

  5. Map the result from the right side of the function box. The destination can be a node in the destination tree pane or the input into another function box.

    Mapping with a function

ProcedureTo Delete a Link or Function in a Mapping

  1. Select the link or function.

  2. Press Delete.

Working with Predicates

The BPEL Mapper enables you to create a predicate that consists of XPath functions.

A predicate applies a condition to a node that can have multiple values. The result is the subset of nodes that satisfy the condition.

For example, assume that a node represents the number of products. If you want to select all products whose number is greater than 50, then you can use the greater than and number literal functions to define the condition.

Once you create a predicate, you can use the predicate in an assignment. For example, you can copy data from a predicate in the source tree pane to a node in the destination tree pane.

You can edit or delete an existing predicate.

ProcedureTo Create a Predicate

  1. In the source tree pane, right-click a node (schema element or attribute) and choose New Predicate.

    The Predicate Editor appears.

  2. Use XPath functions to create the condition for the predicate. Map the result to the predicate node in the destination tree pane.

  3. Click OK.

    The editor adds the predicate node immediately below the original node. The condition appears in brackets.

ProcedureTo Edit a Predicate

  1. In the source tree pane, right-click the predicate node and choose Edit Predicate.

  2. Modify the condition.

  3. Click OK.

ProcedureTo Delete a Predicate

  1. In the source tree pane, right-click the predicate node and choose Delete Predicate.

  2. Click Yes.

XPath Function Reference

A collection of XPath functions are available in the BPEL Mapper's menu bar. These functions are based on the XPath 1.0 specification.

Each function has zero or more arguments. Each function returns a single result.

The menu bar contains the following drop-down menus: Operator, Boolean, String, Nodes, Number, Date & Time, and BPEL.


The Operator menu contains the following functions:


The Boolean menu contains the following functions:


The String menu contains the following functions:


The Nodes menu contains the following functions:


The Number menu contains the following functions:

Date & Time

The Date & Time menu contains the following functions:


The BPEL menu contains the following functions:

Mapping Examples

These examples illustrate several mapping scenarios:

Assign Activity Scenario

Assume that you want a BPEL process to copy data received from a partner. Do the following tasks:

  1. Add an Assign activity after the Receive activity.

  2. Use the BPEL Mapper to define one or more copy assignments. To open the BPEL Mapper, double-click the Assign activity on the diagram or select the Mapper tab on the toolbar.

The following example shows a copy assignment that does not use any XPath functions. The itinerary part of the ItineraryIn variable is copied to the itinerary part of the ItineraryOut variable. Notice that the left pane and the right pane contain the same tree component.

Screen capture of mapping for Assign activity
with direct mapping

The following example shows a copy assignment that uses the concat XPath function. The input variable paramA is concatenated to the end of the string literal Parameter A: and copied to the output variable paramA.

Screen capture of mapping for Assign activity
with concat XPath function

If Activity Scenario

Assume that you want to execute a series of steps only if a certain condition is true. Do the following tasks:

  1. Add an If activity to the BPEL process.

  2. Use the BPEL Mapper to define the Boolean condition. To open the BPEL Mapper, double-click the If activity on the diagram or select the Mapper tab on the toolbar.

  3. Add the steps inside the If activity.

The following example shows a mapping for the condition. The mapping uses the Not XPath function, which is available from the Boolean node on the menu bar. If the itinerary has an airline reservation, then the Not XPath function returns true. The result is mapped to the Result node in the right pane.

Screen capture of mapping for If activity

Predicate Scenario

Assume that you want a BPEL process to copy itinerary data from itineraries of customers with no more than two in their party. The input records include a variable that specifies the number of passengers in the customer's party. Do the following tasks:

  1. In the left pane of the BPEL Mapper window, right-click the repeating node that is marked with an asterisk (*) and choose New Predicate.

    The Predicate Editor window appears.

  2. Add the Less XPath function to the middle pane.

  3. Add the number literal XPath function to the middle pane. Set the value to 3.

  4. Map the variable node to the first argument of the Less XPath function.

  5. Map the result of the number literal XPath function to the second argument of the Less XPath function.

  6. Map the result of the Less Than XPath function to the Result node in the right pane.

  7. Click OK.

The following example shows how the mapping appears in the Predicate window. Once you click OK, you can use the predicate node in a copy assignment.

Image shows the mapping for predicate in the
BPEL Mapper

If the BPEL process received the following XML, then the predicate would select the first Air tag.


Using Type Cast and Pseudo-Components

Type Cast and Pseudo-components are provided to support type inheritance, help build message structure, and prevent validation errors. Type Casting addresses a problem in which a base complex type does not contain the same elements as the derived type.

For example, a variable may have a base type, containing two attributes and two elements, and a derived type inherited from the base type, containing an additional attribute and element.

Image shows a base type and a derived complex
 type in the Design view of the XML Schema

When the message is declared in a WSDL for use in BPEL, the base type is used to declare the message. So, in this example, from the Mapper view of the XML structures we see the variable's base type that does not contain the additional element and attribute.

Image shows the Mapper view displaying the variables
base type

Since the Mapper is designed to allow you to graphically link elements and attributes, these structures need to be available in the mapper view. To allow mapping of derived type attributes and elements, which are implied by the base type, the Mapper enables you to cast an object to another type - in this example, to the derived type.

    To cast an object to another type:

  1. From the Mapper view of the project's bpel file, right-click the variable that has the base type and click Cast To in the context menu. The Subtype Chooser appears displaying a tree with the original type as the root and subtypes under the root. If there are no subtypes, only the original type will appear in the box.

    Image shows the Bpel Mapper view containing the
new derived type variable as described in context
  2. To cast the original variable to the derived type, select derivedType in the Subtype Chooser and click OK. The derivedType variable appears in the Mapper.

  3. Expand the derivedType variable in the Mapper and note that the additional attribute and element are now available to use for mapping.

Type Cast

The Type Cast option allows you to explicitly cast an object to another type. This only works for objects that have a schema type.

In the BPEL Mapper the following object can be casted:


The Pseudo-component feature is similar to Type Cast. The XML Schema introduces xsd:any. It declares that an element can be located in the XML document and have any name and type. The BPEL mapper allows you to add to the tree elements, which correspond to xsd:any. Such elements don't appear in the schema, but they look similar to other elements. That is why they are called pseudo-elements. The user can map from and to a pseudo-element the same way as for an ordinary element. This also applies to the xsd:anyAttribute. The user can create pseudo-attributes to use for mapping and design purposes.

In the Mapper's Input and Output trees, xsd:any appears as an element node with the name "Any Element" and xsd:anyAttribute as an attribute with the name "Any Attribute". Both have the context menu item "Cast To...", which calls the special dialog box used to specify a name, namespace and type for the new pseudo-component. For xsd:any any global type can be chosen. For xsd:anyAttribute only the global simple types are suggested. In both cases the settings allow you to choose global types from several different sources. The completed pseudo-components appear in the tree with the name pattern (castToElementName)Any Element or (castToAttributeName)Any Attribute.

Image shows the pseudo-components, Any Element
and Any Attribute in the Mapper's Output tree.

Type Cast and Validation

Validation is passive in regard to type casts and pseudo-components, meaning that validation does not object to an unknown component if it is a qualified type cast or it is declared as a pseudo-component.

Type Cast and Pseudo Component Limitations

The type cast is used to avoid runtime errors, but there are several reasonable limitations: