BPEL Designer and Service Engine User's Guide

BPEL Process Instances Window

The BPEL Process Instances window lists all BPEL process instances deployed to the BPEL Service Engine and their currently running instances. For each process instance correlation sets and Faults are listed as subnodes.

If the current session is not a BPEL Debugger session, this window is empty. The BPEL Process Instances window is populated when a debugging session starts on the BPEL Service Engine, or when the current session is a BPEL Debugger session.

The information displayed for each process instance includes the instance name, unique instance ID, and its state.

Process instances can exist in one of the following states:

A process instance that is current is shown in bold. A process instance becomes current when it reaches a breakpoint or when you manually make it current.

Image shows the BPEL Process Instances window

To make a process instance current, do one of the following:

To terminate a process instance:

Correlation Sets and Faults information

For the Correlation Sets node the information comes out during the process execution.

For each process instance correlation set, a list of properties it includes is shown. For the properties, type and value information is displayed. Find more information on Correlation sets, properties, and property aliases here: Using Correlation.