BPEL Designer and Service Engine User's Guide

Building and Deploying the Composite Application Project

Building a project compiles the BPEL source file and packages the BPEL file and web service artifacts, including WSDL and XSD files, into a JAR archive. Deploying the project compiles the files in the Composite Application project, packages the compiled BPEL and related web service artifacts (including WSDL and XSD files) into an archive, and deploys them to the Application Server.

ProcedureTo Build and Deploy the Composite Application Project

  1. Right-click the Composite Application project's node, and choose Build.

    When the build is complete the Output window reports Build Successful. If the Output window is not visible, choose Window -> Output -> Output.

  2. Right-click the Composite Application project's node, and choose Deploy.

  3. Deployment has succeeded when you see a Build successful message in the GlassFish tab of the Output window.

  4. Open the Services window and expand Servers -> GlassFish V2 -> JBI -> Service Assemblies to see your new deployed Service Assembly.

    If you do not see the deployed project, right-click the Service Assemblies node and choose Refresh.

    Image shows the new Service Assembly in the Services
window as described in context