BPEL Designer and Service Engine User's Guide

ProcedureTo Set Watches in the BPEL Process

  1. (Optional) Be sure that the Watches window is visible or choose Window -> Debugging -> Watches (Alt-Shift-2) to view it.

  2. If you want to enter an XPath expression from your BPEL process, copy it using one of the following methods:

    • In the Source view, copy the XPath expression you want to watch. The XPath expressions can be found inside the <condition> tag.

    • In the Design view, select an element that has an expression and copy the expression from the Condition row in the Properties window.

  3. Right-click inside the Watches window and choose New Watch.

  4. In the Watch Expression field of the New Watch dialog box, do one of the following:

    • Paste the XPath expression you have copied.

    • Enter any valid expression that is compliant with XPath 1.1.

  5. (Optional) If needed, add more watches.

  6. Ensure that a debugging session is running and perform a test run.

  7. As the process instance reaches a breakpoint and becomes suspended, examine the values of the expressions being watched in the Value column of the Watches window.