BPEL Designer and Service Engine User's Guide

Defining Alerting

Alerting feature enables you to get notification in case specified events happen. Alerting events are connected with the execution of the process activities.

As a general rule-of-thumb, whenever you log you may also want to consider sending an alert notification of the appropriate severity as you see fit. Fatal, Critical, and Major Alert Notification Severities map well to a SEVERE logging category. The Minor and Warning Alert Notification Severities map well to a WARNING logging category. The Info Alert Notification Severity maps well to an INFO logging category.

The general workflow for defining alerting is as follows:

  1. Set the alert level for your activity. This is done from the Logging Mapper, similar to the way you define Logging. Map the variable in the Output pane for which you want an alert, to the appropriate Alert activity and alert level, for example, ALERT_onComplete - major.

    The Alert notification levels are:

    • Fatal

    • Critical

    • Major

    • Minor

    • Warning

  2. Ensure the application server is running and deploy the project.

  3. From the Admin Console, choose or create MBean client and subscribe to getting event notifications. The client will extract alerting messages and perform specified actions (write to log/send e-mail/do nothing).

  4. Run the process and get notified.