BPEL Designer and Service Engine User's Guide

ProcedureTo Set the Test Properties

  1. In the Projects window, under the Composite Application > Test node, right-click the node for the test case and choose Properties.

  2. Set the properties of the test case as follows:

    • Description — string

    • Destination — URL (from the .wsdl file's <soap:address location="THIS"> tag)

      Identifies the location of the web service to be tested.

    • SoapAction — (default: blank)

    • Input File — (read-only; generated by system)

      Name of the input file. This file contains the input data for the test case.

    • Output File — (read-only; generated by system)

      Name of the output file. This file contains the output data for the test case.

    • Concurrent Threads — integer; default = 1

      Each thread can invoke the test case multiple times (see the following property). Thus, if conc=2 and inv=3, the test case will be run 6 times (two threads, each run thrice).

    • Invokes Per Thread — integer; default = 1

      Number of times each thread invokes the test case.

    • Test Timeout (sec) — integer; default = 30

      How long each thread has to finish. If it does not finish in the allotted time, then an exception is thrown.

    • Calculate Throughput — boolean

    • Comparison Type — drop-down list with the following options:

      • identical — Considers the output and actual output as a stream of characters.

      • binary — Considers the output and actual output as a stream of bytes.

      • equals — Considers the output and actual output as a XML documents.

    • Feature Status — drop-down list with the following options:

      • progress — Marks test completion as "success", regardless of actual outcome.

      • done — Records actual outcome of test.