HTTP Binding Component User's Guide

SOAP 1.2 Connectivity Element

The only SOAP 1.2 Connectivity element is the address element.

SOAP 1.2 address Element

The SOAP 1.2 address extensibility element specifies the URL address used to connect to the SOAP server.

Table 8 SOAP 1.2 address Element Attributes



Required or Optional 



A URL address used to connect to the SOAP server 



The following example illustrates the use of the SOAP 1.2 address element.

 <service name="echoService">
        <port name="echoPort" binding="tns:echoBinding">
            <soap12:address location="http://localhost:9080/echoService/echoPort"/>

Note –

The required location attribute (of type xs:anyURI) is a URI at which the endpoint can be accessed. The value of the location attribute cannot be a relative URI. The URI scheme specified must correspond to the transport or transfer protocol specified by the soap12:binding/@transport attribute of the corresponding wsdl:binding of the containing wsdl:port.