Analyzing and Cleansing Data for Sun Master Index

ProcedureTo Generate the Data Profiler and Data Cleanser

  1. In the NetBeans Project window, right-click the main project of the master index application and then select Generate Cleanser Zip.

    The file is generated and downloaded to NetBeans_Projects/Project_Name/cleanser-generated.

  2. After the Data Cleanser is downloaded, right-click the main project again and then select Generate Profiler Zip.

    The file is generated and downloaded to NetBeans_Projects/Project_Name/profiler-generated.

  3. On your computer, navigate to NetBeans_Projects/Project_Name/cleanser-generated and extract the contents of

  4. After the file are extracted, navigate to NetBeans_Projects/Project_Name/profiler-generated and extract the contents of

Next Steps

Continue to Configuring the Environment.