Analyzing and Cleansing Data for Sun Master Index

Data Cleanser Global Variables

You can define global variables for the fields used in the cleansing rules so you do not need to enter the qualified field name for each rule. When defining variables, the qualified field name syntax is used. For more information about qualified field names, see Master Index Field Notations in Understanding Sun Master Index Configuration Options . Variables are defined in the varList element, and each variable is defined by a var element.

The var element has these attributes:

Here is an example of a variable list for a master index application storing person data.

   <var name="fname" default="Person.FirstName"/>
   <var name="lname" default="Person.LastName"/>
   <var name="ssn" default="Person.SSN"/>
   <var name="zip" default="Person.Address.PostCode"/>
   <var name="state" default="Person.Address.State"/>

When you reference a variable in a rule, use the format “:[variable_name]” (where variable_name is the name you assigned to the variable). For example, to reference the FirstName field as defined above, it would look similar to this in the rules:

<field fieldName=":[fname]"/>