Analyzing and Cleansing Data for Sun Master Index

ProcedureTo Define Data Analysis Rules

Before You Begin

Determine the fields to profile, as described in Determining the Fields to Analyze.

  1. Navigate to the location of the Data Profiler.

    By default, the Data Profiler is generated and extracted to NetBeans_Projects/Project_Name/profiler-generated/profile.

  2. Open sampleConfig.xml.

    Note –

    You can rename the configuration file and you can create multiple configuration files, each defining a different set of rules. Use sampleConfig.xml as a template for any files you create.

  3. In the profilerVariable element, enter values for the attributes defined in Data Profiler Processing Attributes.

  4. In the varList element, define all of the field variables to use in the profiling rules.

    This step is optional. For more information, see Data Profiler Global Variables.

  5. Define the rules for each pattern or frequency analysis.

    For information about the available rules and the syntax to use, see Data Profiler Rules Syntax. You can create multiple configuration files to define different sets of rules.

Next Steps

Continue to Performing the Initial Data Analysis.