Analyzing and Cleansing Data for Sun Master Index


This rule validates the value of the specified field against a list of values that you supply in a delimited file known as a valid value list. If a field value or part of a field value does not match an entry in the file, the record is rejected and written to the bad data file. You can also define a list of bad data in the file, known as an exclusion list, and then use this rule with conditional rules to reject records containing the bad data. If you include an empty entry in this list to indicate a null value, include the empty field in the middle of the list and not at the beginning or end. The syntax for matchFromFile is:

<matchFromFile fieldName="name" filePath="path" delimiter="delimeter" exact="true/false"/>

The parameters for matchFromFile are:

Example 6 Sample matchFromFile Rule

This sample defines a rule that validates State fields against a list of valid state abbreviations contained in the file State.txt. The field value must exactly match an entry in the list or the record will be rejected.

  <matchFromFile fieldName="Person.Address.State" 
   delimiter=";" exact="true"/>

In this case, the valid value list would look similar to this: