Analyzing and Cleansing Data for Sun Master Index

ProcedureTo Perform the Initial Data Analysis

Before You Begin

Before performing this step, make sure you have completed the following procedures:

  1. Navigate to NetBeans_Projects/Project_Name/profiler-generated/profiler.

  2. If you changed the name of the configuration file from sampleConfig.xml or created new configuration files, do the following:

    1. Open run.bat (or on UNIX) for editing.

    2. Change “sampleConfig.xml” to the new name of the configuration file to use for the current run.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • On Windows, navigate to the profiler home directory and then double-click run.bat or type run.bat on a command line.

    • On UNIX, navigate to the profiler home directory and then type

  4. If you created multiple configuration files to define the analysis rules, repeat the above steps until all configuration files are processed.

Next Steps

Continue to Reviewing the Data Profiler Reports.