Sun Worklist Manager Service Engine User's Guide

About WLM XPath Functions

The WLM SE provides functions to retrieve information from the Worklist Manager database about task owners, email addresses, and LDAP UIDs. You can enter the functions directly into the task definition file using the syntax described below, or you can use the task mapper to graphically add the functions to the file. The mapper is described in Using the Task Mapper.

Standard Functions

Currently the WLM SE provides one function that retrieves the owner of a particular task.

wlmfn:get-task-owner as xs:string

This function returns the user who claims the task. If the task is not claimed, it returns null.TaskInstance.Owner is automatically assigned by the WLM SE when a user claims the task.

LDAP Functions

LDAP functions are only available when LDAP is used for task assignment and authorization. The namespace for these functions is

wlmfn:get-email() as xs:string

This function retrieves the email address for the user who claimed the task.

wlmfn:get-email($arg as xs:string) as xs:string

This function retrieves the email address for the user specified in the argument passed to the function.

wlmfn:get-manager-email() as xs:string

This function retrieves the email address for the manager of the user who claimed the task.

wlmfn:get-manager-email($arg as xs:string) as xs:string

This function retrieves the email address for the manager of the user specified in the argument passed to the function.

wlmfn:get-manager–uid() as xs:string

This function retrieves the LDAP UID for the manager of the user who claimed the task.

wlmfn:get-manager–uid($arg as xs:string) as xs:string

This function retrieves the LDAP UID for the manager of the user specified in the argument passed to the function.