Sun Worklist Manager Service Engine User's Guide

ProcedureTo Define Task Timeouts

  1. Complete the steps under Assigning Users and User Groups to a Task.

  2. If the task definition is not opened, open the file in the Task Definition Editor.

  3. To define a duration from the start of the task to when it must be completed, do the following:

    1. In the Timeouts section of the Task Definition Editor, click Add Duration.

      A new line appears in the Timeouts list.

    2. In the Timeout Expression field, enter the duration in the format P0Y0M0DT0H0M0S.

      For example, the expression P0Y0M7DT0H0M0S indicates a seven-day duration.

      Figure shows the date format for defining durations.
  4. To define a deadline by which the task must be completed, do the following:

    1. In the Timeouts section of the Task Definition Editor, click Add Deadline.

      A new line appears in the Timeouts list.

    2. In the Timeout Expression field, enter the duration in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHHmmSS.

      For example, the expression 2010-01-15T00:00:00 indicates midnight on January 15, 2010.

      Figure shows the date format for defining deadlines.
  5. To remove a deadline or duration, select the line item to remove and then click Remove.

  6. When you are done defining timeouts, click Save All on the NetBeans toolbar.