Using the GlassFish ESB Installation GUI

Starting GlassFish ESB

To start NetBeans and the GlassFish server after the initial installation, navigate to the GlassFish ESB install directory or to the directory where the component is installed that you want to start. Run the appropriate command as described in the table below.


From GlassFish ESB Installation Directory 

NetBeans IDE 

Windows GUI: Double-click the NetBeans desktop icon, select NetBeans from the Start menu, or run install-directory\start_netbeans.bat.

Mac OSX GUI: Select the NetBeans icon in the Dock or double-click in the GlassFish ESB home directory.

UNIX: Run the executable file in install-directory/netbeans/bin.

GlassFish Server 

Windows GUI: Double-click install-directory\start_glassfish_domain_name.bat.

Mac OSX GUI: Double-click install-directory\start_glassfish_domain_name.

UNIX: Run asadmin start-domain from install-directory/glassfish/bin.

Note –

You can also start the GlassFish server from the Services tab on the NetBeans IDE.