Master Index Match Engine Reference

Step 6: Compile and Package the Comparator

Before you perform these steps, make sure you have completed Step 1: Create the Custom Comparator Java Class through Step 5: Define Curve Adjustment or Linear Fitting (Optional).

When you are finished defining all the Java classes for the comparators and have registered each comparator in your comparators list file, you can compile the Java code and package the files into a ZIP file that you can then import into a master index application. Compile the classes using the compiler of your choice.

To package the files, create a temporary directory and copy the comparators list file to the directory. Copy all the class folders and files to the same directory. The top level of the temporary directory should include comparatorsList.xml and a com folder (which contains all the Java classes). Create a ZIP file of the directory. For more information about the ZIP package, see About the Comparator Package.

After you compile and package the comparator, continue to Step 7: Import the Comparator Package Into Sun Master Index.