Master Index Match Engine Reference

Master Index Match Engine Configuration Files

The Master Index Match Engine compares two records and returns a match weight indicating the likelihood of a match between the two records based on information provided in configuration files. In a master index application, the match engine is configured by these two files in the Match Engine node of the master index project: the matching configuration file (matchConfigFile.cfg) and the comparators list (comparatorsList.xml). The matching configuration file defines the configuration and parameters for the matching comparator functions and the comparators list defines each comparator available to the match engine.

Matching criteria and logic are defined in the match configuration file in the master index project (matchConfigFile.cfg). The data fields that are sent to the Master Index Match Engine for matching, known as the match string, are defined in the MatchingConfig section of mefa.xml in the master index project. The match engine configuration files define which matching rules to use to process each match field. The match engine provides a comprehensive set of comparator functions, and you can create custom comparators if needed.