Database Binding Component User's Guide

Functional Architecture of Database Binding Component

The following figure shows the functional architecture of Database Binding Component.

High Level

The following table briefly describes the functional operation of each module or wizard.

Table 1 Functional Description



Installation Module

Installs, uninstalls, and manages the lifecycle of the Database BC. This module is used to plug the Database BC into the JBI Framework and monitor the lifecycle of the Binding Component such as install, uninstall, start, stop, and so on. 

Wizard Module

Assists in interacting with the database. 

  • The Database Wizard create/edit interface queries the database to build WSDL from Database Table, Procedures, and Prepared SQL Statements.

  • XSDs are created based on the Table, Procedures, and Prepared Statements in the external data source.

  • Database Operations are added to provide the appropriate database functionality.

  • The wizard assists in interacting with the database using JDBC API specific calls and ensures that appropriate methods are called and the data is formatted appropriately when manipulating the database.

  • The Database Wizard can create XSDs based on any combination of Table, Procedures or Prepared Statements.

  • The Database Wizard uses imported interfaces like the WSDL Editor and XSD Editor.

Wizard Launcher

Launcher the Database Wizard. This interface basically plugged in into the existing WSDL Editor Wizard. 

Schema Handler

Is responsible for creating an XML Schema for the corresponding table. The generated schema can be imported into the WSDL 

MetaData Handler

Gets the MetaData from the database and displays the data to the user through the wizard. MetaData consists of the user-specific description of the table. MetaData handler gets the MetaData of the TableColumns, Prepared Statements, and Procedures. This data is supplied to the schema generator module to generate the schemas. 

WSDL Generator

Generates the WSDL using imported APIs and the Schema Handler. 

Database BC Runtime

Provides the functionality for the Database BC at runtime. The Database BC receives the normalized message it gets from the NMR, denormalizes the message, and gathers the required parameters (JNDI name, Operations, and so on) from the message. It processes the parameter, normalizes the output, and sends it back to the NMR. 

Connection Handler

Provides the functionality to get the connection from different databases. This module uses the JMX API to create a connection pool and the JNDI name to obtain the connection from the data source or Java Naming API. This information is used to create JDBC resource and bind it to the JDBC context of the JNDI tree. The Connection Handler uses two methods to get connected to the database. If the user has already created the JNDI name and wants to establish a connection to the database, then the Connection Handler looks up the JNDI name in the JNDI context and gets the connection. If the given JNDI Name does not exists the Connection Handler binds as a new JDBC context to the JNDI tree during deployment time. In the second method, the Connection Handler establishes a connection using the connection parameters. (driver class name, URL, username, and password). 

Transaction Management

The Database BC implements the XAResource interface of JTA to be part of the global transaction and enlists the resource with the Transaction Manager. The Transaction Manager is responsible for starting and ending the XA Transaction. It implements the two-phase commit protocol to support the global transaction. 

JMX Interface

Provides a method to bind the Database BC context to the JNDI tree of an application server context. 

JBI Framework

Provides administration tools such as install, uninstall, deploy, and undeploy and normalized message router functionality to the Database BC. 

NetBeans Common Model

The Database BC uses the WSDL Editor and XSD Editor imported models from the NetBeans as part of the enterprise pack. 

Functional Architecture of the JDBC Binding Component — Comparative Study

The following figure depicts the functional architecture of the Database BC including various logical components and external systems. The diagram is centered around the external and internal interfaces provided by the binding component. The term interface is used in a generic sense to mean any piece of information going back and forth between components.

The architecture includes the following:

Functional Architecture