Sun Cluster 3.1 Release Notes


The following restrictions apply to the Sun Cluster 3.1 release:

Service and Application Restrictions

Hardware Restrictions

Volume Manager Restrictions

Cluster File System Restrictions

VxFS Restrictions

Internet Protocol (IP) Network Multipathing Restrictions

This section identifies any restrictions on using IP Network Multipathing that apply only in a Sun Cluster 3.1 environment, or are different than information provided in the Solaris documentation for IP Network Multipathing.

Most procedures, guidelines, and restrictions identified in the Solaris documentation for IP Network Multipathing are the same in a cluster or non-cluster environment. Therefore, see the appropriate Solaris document for additional information about IP Network Multipathing restrictions.

Operating Environment Release 

For Instructions, Go To... 

Solaris 8 operating environment 

IP Network Multipathing Administration Guide

Solaris 9 operating environment 

“IP Network Multipathing Topics” in System Administration Guide: IP Series

Data Service Restrictions

There are no restrictions that apply to all data services. For information about restrictions for specific data services, see Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service 5/03 Release Notes.

Running Sun Cluster HA for Oracle 3.0 on Sun Cluster 3.1

The Sun Cluster HA for Oracle 3.0 data service can run on Sun Cluster 3.1 only when used with the following versions of the Solaris operating environment: