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Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 Installation Guide

Appendix F
Configuring the Sun ONE Portal Server to Run as User Non-Root

The following optional, post-install procedure describes the steps to configure a Sun™ ONE Portal Server installation that is running as root user to run as a non-root user. This procedure assumes that the web container and the Sun™ ONE Directory Server are running as root user.


The Java Enterprise System installer provides a way to install the Sun ONE Directory Server and the Sun™ ONE Web Server or Sun™ ONE Application Server to run as a non-root user.

Perform all steps as superuser, except as noted. After installing the Sun™ ONE Portal Server software, use the following procedure to configure the Sun ONE Portal Server to run as user non-root.

  1. Change the web container’s user instance from root to a non-root value. Consult your web container’s documentation for instructions on changing the running user.
  2. For example, to change the Sun ONE Web Server’s running user, edit the web-server-install-root/SUNWwbsvr/https-hostname.domain/config/
    file.Change the entry User root to User Userid.

  3. Change the web container’s admin instance from root to a non-root value. Consult your web container’s documentation for instructions on changing the running admin user.
  4. For example, to change the Sun ONE Web Server’s admin user, edit the web-server-install-root/SUNWwbsvr/https-admserv/config/magnus.conf file.

    Change the entry User root to User Userid.

  5. Change the Sun ONE Directory Server’s user instance from root to a non-root value. Consult the Sun ONE Directory Server documentation for instructions on changing the running user.
  6. For example, edit the /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-hostname/config/dse.ldif file.

    Change nsslapd-localuser: root to nsslapd-localuser: Userid

  7. Change the Sun ONE Directory Server admin user instance from root to a non-root value. Consult the Sun ONE Directory Server documentation for instructions on changing the running admin user.
  8. For example:

    1. Edit /var/opt/mps/serverroot/admin-serv/config/local.conf file.
    2. Change configuration.nsSuiteSpotUser: root to configuration.nsSuiteSpotUser: Userid

    3. Edit /var/opt/mps/serverroot/admin-serv/config/magnus.conf file.
    4. Change the entry User root to User Userid

  9. Change the ownership of the following directories from root to Userid:UserGroup. That is, enter:
    • chown -R Userid:UserGroup /opt/SUNWps
    • chown -R Userid:UserGroup /etc/opt/SUNWps
    • chown -R Userid:UserGroup /var/opt/SUNWps
    • If you did not use the Java Enterprise System installer to install the Sun ONE Identity Server as non-root, consult the Identity Server documentation for information on changing the Identity Server directories.

  10. Set the following permissions for the Portal Server directories:
    • chmod 0755 /opt/SUNWps
    • chmod 0755 /etc/opt/SUNWps
    • chmod 0755 /var/opt/SUNWps
  11. Restart the directory server as the non-root user.
  12. Run /etc/init.d/amserver stop.
  13. A non-root user can run identity-server-install-dir/SUNWam/bin/amserver stop.

  14. Ensure that all of the processes are stopped.
  15. To verify, type:

    ps -ef | grep SUNWam

    ps -ef | grep directory-server-base-dir

  16. Kill off any processes that did not get shutdown. As root enter:
  17. /var/opt/mps/serverroot/stop-admin

Launching Sun ONE Portal Server

  1. Become superuser or log in as user Userid.
  2. Start the directory server.
    1. Go to /var/opt/mps/serverroot/slapd-instancename
    2. Type:
    3. ./start-slapd

  3. Start the web server by entering /etc/init.d/amserver start

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