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Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 Installation Guide

Chapter 3
Uninstalling the Sun ONE Portal Server

The Sun™ ONE Portal Server software, the gateway, the Netlet Proxy and the Rewriter Proxy are uninstalled using the Java™ Enterprise System uninstaller. For instructions on how to remove the software, see the Java Enterprise System Installation Guide.

The uninstall log is located at:


After removing the Sun ONE Portal Server software, stop and start the Sun™ ONE Identity Server instance or instances.

  1. Stop all instances using:
  2. /etc/init.d/amserver stopall

  3. Restart all the instances using:
  4. /etc/init.d/amserver startall


    If you are uninstalling a Sun ONE Portal Server deployed on Sun™ ONE Web Server and have created server instances with the multiserverinstance command, you need to delete each created instance. See Appendix D "Creating and Deleting Instances of the Server"for instructions on removing instances.

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