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Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 Deployment Guide

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z



/etc/opt/SUNWps directory  1

/opt/SUNWps directory  1

/opt/SUNWps/sdk directory  1


128-bit SSL  1, 2

40-bit encryption  1


access control  1, 2

gateway  1

limiting  1

NetFile  1

Access Control Instructions  1

accessibility  1

administration console  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

protocols  1

aggregation and integration  1

aggregation strategy  1

Altio  1 file  1

amSDKStats log  1

amSSO log  1

anonymous Desktop  1

Apache tag libraries  1

application data  1

application server clustering  1

application server requirements  1

authentication  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

authentication server  1

availability  1, 2

average session time  1

average time between page requests  1


back-end interfaces  1

back-end systems  1

banner  1

baseline portal performance analysis  1, 2, 3

basic authentication  1, 2, 3

BEA WebLogic  1, 2, 3

BEA WebLogic Server  1

bottlenecks  1, 2, 3

building module  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

business objectives  1

business requirements  1

business-to-business portal  1

business-to-consumer portal  1, 2, 3

business-to-employee portal  1, 2, 3


cache hit ratio  1, 2

case studies

business-to-consumer portal  1

business-to-employee portal  1

Internet Service Provider portal  1

channel layout  1

channels  1, 2

checkpointing mechanisms  1

chroot environments  1

Citrix  1, 2, 3

client detection API  1

client support  1


application server  1

session failover  1

collaboration and application emulation ISVs  1

concurrent sessions  1, 2, 3

concurrent users  1

conducting the portal trial  1

configuration data  1, 2

configuration files  1, 2


HTTP proxy  1

container providers  1


design  1

hierarchy  1

layout  1

organizing channels  1

content aggregation  1

content and document management ISVs  1

content management  1, 2, 3

content management system  1

content provider  1

content syndication ISVs  1

CPU utilization  1, 2

CPUs  1, 2, 3, 4, 5


custom Identity Server service  1


affects on performance  1

methods to use  1

Portal Server  1

Search robot  1


data centers  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

defining project objectives and scope  1

degress of high availability  1

delegated administration  1, 2, 3


application server as web container  1

as a phase of the Portal Server life cycle  1

B2E portal  1

building module solution  1

goals of  1

deployment guidelines  1

deployment planning

identifying requirements  1

overview of process  1

deployment platform  1

deployment scenarios

best effort  1

best effort and Secure Remote Access  1

Secure Remote Access  1


for localization  1

Secure Remote Access deployment scenarios  1

security strategies  1

use case scenarios  1


content  1

design  1

overview  1

user experience with  1

Desktop type  1 file  1


installed for Portal Server  1

installed for Secure Remote Access  1

Directory Information Tree  1, 2, 3

directory replica  1

display profile  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

display profile DTD  1

display profile properties  1

DIT  1, 2

DMZ  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

document level security  1

documenting the portal  1

Documentum  1

dpadmin command  1

dp-org.xml file  1

dp-providers.xml file  1

dynamic port applications  1

dynamic rule  1

dynamic web applications  1


encrypted algorithms  1

Encrypted proxy  1

encryption  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

encryption algorithms  1, 2

enterprise applications ISVs  1

Enterprise JavaBeans  1

enterprise resource access protocols  1

Eproxy  1, 2, 3, 4


baseline sizing figures

core portal  1

Secure Remote Access  1

quality goals  1

example use case  1

exported interfaces  1

extracting the display profile  1


failover  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Fair, Isaac  1

FatWire  1

fault tolerance  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

file compression  1

file shares  1

front-end interface  1

front-end systems  1

FTP  1, 2, 3, 4, 5


gateway  1, 2, 3, 4

access control  1

advanced settings  1

and HTTP basic authentication  1

and SSL support  1

high availability  1

identifying key performance requirements  1

logging  1

multiple instances  1

page configuration  1

SSL hardware accelerators  1 tool  1

growth projections  1


hardware redundancy  1, 2

heap size  1

high availability  1, 2, 3, 4

and building modules  1

high-level portal design

goals  1

overview  1

horizontal scalability  1

horizontal scaling  1

HTML rules  1

HTTP  1, 2

HTTP proxy  1

HTTPS  1, 2, 3

HttpSession failover  1


IBM WebSphere Advanced Edition  1

IBM WebSphere Application Server  1, 2, 3


gateway key performance requirements  1

requirements  1

identity management  1, 2


implementing Single Sign-on  1

implementing the portal  1

independent software vendor integrations  1


as a regular user  1

as nobody  1

as root  1

integrating applications  1

integrating Microsoft Exchange  1

integration design  1

integration types  1

Internet Explorer  1

Internet Service Provider portal  1

Interwoven  1

ISP hosting deployment  1

isp organization  1


Java compatibility  1

Java Development Kit  1, 2

Java properties files  1

JavaScript  1, 2, 3, 4

JavaServer Pages  1, 2, 3, 4


JSP standard tag libraries  1

JSP template files, location  1

JSPProvider  1, 2

JSS  1


LDAP authentication  1

LDAP transaction numbers  1

LDIF file  1

legacy servers  1

life cycle of Sun ONE Portal Server  1

limiting access control  1

load balancing  1

locale file  1

localization  1

log files  1, 2, 3


gateway  1

number of active sessions  1

logical portal architecture  1

login type  1

low-level portal design approach  1


maintainability  1

manageability  1

mandatory server authentication  1

mapping Portal Server features to business needs  1 script  1

Microsoft Exchange  1, 2, 3

migrating to a new version of Portal Server  1

MIME types  1, 2

modularity  1

monitoring active sessions  1

monitoring the portal  1

moving to a production environment  1

multi-master configuration  1, 2

multi-master directory server  1



access control  1

Allow and Deny lists  1

components  1

compression  1

initialization  1

overview  1

security  1

validating credentials  1


and Microsoft Exchange  1

and split tunneling  1

application integration  1

characteristics  1

overview  1

Netlet provider  1

Netlet proxy  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Netlet request  1

Netlet rules  1

NetMail  1, 2, 3

NetMail Lite  1

Netscape Communicator  1

NFS  1, 2, 3, 4

no single point of failure  1

Novell domain  1

Novell platform  1


open mode  1, 2

open standards  1

optional authentication  1

Outlook client  1


pcAnywhere  1, 2

PDC authentication  1, 2

PeopleSoft  1


as a feature of Portal Server  1

baseline analysis  1

building module  1

CPU utilization  1

garbage collection  1

Identity Server cache and sessions  1

memory consumption  1

thread usage  1

perftune script  1

Personal Digital Certificate authentication  1

personalization  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

personalization, business intelligence, and analysis ISVs  1

Pinnacor  1

placement of portal content  1

platform security  1

portal deployment

architecture  1

overview of process  1

plan  1

types of  1

portal design

overall  1

questions to aid in  1

understanding  1

portal design approach  1

portal key design task list  1

portal nodes

core  1

directory server  1

gateway  1

Search  1

Portal Server instance  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

portal sizing process  1

portal sizing tips  1

portal testing  1

portal usage information  1

portal worksheets  1

product family, Sun ONE Portal Server  1

profile database server  1

Provider Application Programming Interface  1

providers  1, 2

building block  1

Netlet  1

overview  1

proxy configuration  1

psdp.dtd file  1

public_html directory  1


quality goals  1


availability  1

back-end systems  1

business objectives  1

data centers  1

front-end systems  1

growth projections  1

maintainability  1

performance  1

Search Engine  1

security  1

techincal goals  1

user behaviors and patterns  1


rapid portlet and web services development ISVs  1

rdmgr command  1

recovering the Search database  1

related performance factors

back-end servers  1

Desktop configuration  1

hardware and applications  1

transaction time  1

workload conditions  1

reliability  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

reloading the display profile  1


determining  1

identifying  1

resource bundles  1

Reverse proxy  1, 2

reverse proxy  1, 2, 3

Rewriter  1, 2

and MIME types  1

rulesets  1

Rewriter proxy  1, 2, 3, 4

robot  1

Role-Based Access Control  1

roles  1

Rproxy  1


SAP  1

scalability  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Search database

and robot  1

recovering  1

Search Engine  1, 2

and building modules  1

overview  1

sizing factors  1

structure  1

Search services  1

searchURL property  1

secure mode  1, 2

secure portal pilot measured numbers  1

Secure Remote Access support  1

securing the operating environment  1

security  1, 2, 3

security strategies  1

session characteristics  1

session failover  1, 2, 3, 4

SHARP services  1, 2

shooter tool  1

Siebel  1

Single Sign-on  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Single Sign-on API  1, 2

site data  1

sizing  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

sizing tips  1

sizing tool  1, 2, 3

SMB  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

software categories  1

software development  1

software interfaces  1

software packaging  1

Solaris Operating Environment

minimizing size of installation  1

securing  1

source control  1

SSL  1, 2, 3

SSL authentication  1

SSL encryption  1

SSL hardware accelerators  1

starting Portal Server  1

static port applications  1

static portal content  1

static rule  1

static web content  1

stopping Portal Server  1

Sudo  1

Sun Cluster  1

Sun Crypto Accelerator 1000 board  1

Sun ONE Application Server  1, 2

Sun ONE Directory Server  1, 2, 3

clustering  1

requirements  1

structure design  1

Sun ONE Identity Server  1, 2, 3, 4

cache and sessions  1

Sun ONE Identity Server Web Agent  1

Sun ONE Portal Server

building module  1

client support  1

configuration files  1

core components  1

customization  1

deployment platform  1

directory structure  1

exported interfaces  1

high availability  1

high availability and fault tolerance  1

internal components  1

life cycle  1

migrating  1

product family  1

providers  1

relation to Secure Remote Access  1

resources  1

satisfying business needs  1

scalability  1

security  1

service configuration  1

software components  1

software development  1

software interfaces  1

starting and stopping  1

troubleshooting  1

usage information  1

Sun ONE Portal Server for Multi Application Servers  1

Sun ONE Portal Server, Secure Remote Access

authentication  1

components  1

directory structure  1

log files  1

overview  1, 2

relation to Portal Server  1

troubleshooting  1

Sun ONE Web Server  1, 2, 3

SuperAdmin Role  1

symmetric key encryption  1

system availability  1, 2

system capacity  1, 2, 3

system performance  1


tag library definitions, installed location  1


Desktop theme support  1

JSP  1

Search function  1

Tarantella  1

task list  1

technical goals  1

technical requirements  1

Telnet  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

testing the portal  1

third-party application  1

This illustration shows Netlet applets on PCs connecting to the gateway which then connects to Netlet ports on destinations hosts.  1

thread usage  1

trial portal  1

troubleshooting  1, 2

tuning the portal  1, 2

U script  1

UNIX authentication  1

UNIX processes  1

UNIX user installation  1

URI Translator  1

URL Allow and Deny lists  1

usage information  1

use case scenarios  1

example  1

user behaviors and patterns  1

user session  1


verifying the portal  1

vertical scaling  1

verticle scalability  1, 2

Vignette  1

Virtual Private Network  1

VPN client  1


WAR file  1, 2, 3

web container  1

worksheets  1

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