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Sun ONE Message Queue, Version 3.0.1 Administrator's Guide



access control file
access rules   1
format of   1
location   1, 2
use for   1
version   1
access control properties file, See access control file 1
access rules   1
about   1, 2
broker   1, 2
client   1
delivery, of   1
transactions, and   1
wait period for   1
admin connection service   1, 2
administered objects
about   1, 2
attributes of   1
connection factory, See connection factory administered objects 1
deleting   1
destination, See destination administered objects 1
listing   1
look up name for   1
object stores, See object stores 1
provider-independence   1
querying   1
queue, See queues 1
required information   1
topic, See topics 1
types   1, 2, 3
updating   1
XA connection factory, See connection factory administered objects 1
administration tasks
development environments   1
production environments   1
administration tools
about   1
Administration Console   1
command line utilities   1
application servers   1
about   1
managing   1
about   1
managing   1
user groups   1
See also access control file 1
auto-create destinations
about   1
properties   1


broker clusters
adding brokers to   1
architecture of   1
cluster configuration file   1, 2
configuration change record   1, 2
broker clusters (continued)
configuration properties   1, 2, 3
connecting brokers   1
in development-only environments   1
Master Broker   1, 2
option to specify   1
propagation of information in   1
reasons for using   1
restarting a broker in   1
setting properties   1
broker instances, See brokers 1
about   1
access control, See authorization 1
acknowledgements (Ack)   1
auto-create destination properties   1
clusters, See broker clusters 1
configuration files, See configuration files 1
connecting to   1
connecting together   1
connection services, See connection services 1
controlling   1
HTTP support for   1
httpjms connection service properties   1
HTTPS, support for   1
httpsjms connection service properties   1
instance configuration properties   1
instance name   1
interconnected, See broker clusters 1
JDBC support, See JDBC support 1
listing services   1
logging, See logger 1
Master Broker   1
message capacity   1
message routing, See message router 1
metrics, See metrics 1
multi-broker clusters, See broker clusters 1
pausing   1
persistence manager, See persistence manager 1
properties   1
querying   1, 2
recovery from failure   1
restarting   1, 2
resuming   1
security manager, See security manager 1
shutting down   1
starting   1
starting an SSL-based service   1
system resources for   1
tasks of   1
updating   1
Windows service, running as   1
built-in persistence   1


certificate   1, 2
applications, See client applications 1
identifiers (ClientID)   1
programming model   1
runtime   1
client applications
provider-independence   1
system properties, and   1
cluster configuration file   1
clusters, See broker clusters 1
command line syntax   1
command line utilities
about   1
basic syntax   1
imqcmd   1, 2
imqdbmgr   1, 2
imqkeytool   1, 2, 3
imqobjmgr   1, 2
imqsvcadmin   1, 2
imqusermgr   1, 2
options common to   1
command options   1
EJB   1
MDB   1 file   1
configuration change record   1
configuration files   1
default   1
editing   1
installation   1
instance   1, 2, 3, 4
configuration files (continued)
location   1, 2
overriding values set in   1
connection factory administered objects
about   1
adding   1
attributes   1, 2
ClientID, and   1
introduced   1
JNDI lookup   1
overrides   1
connection services
about   1
access control for   1
activated at startup   1
admin   1, 2
commands affecting   1
connection type   1
HTTP, See HTTP connections 1
httpjms   1, 2
HTTPS, See HTTPS connections 1
httpsjms   1, 2
jms   1, 2
pausing   1, 2
port mapper, See port mapper 1
properties   1
querying   1, 2
resuming   1, 2
service type   1
ssladmin   1, 2, 3
SSL-based   1
ssljms   1, 2, 3
static ports for   1
thread allocation   1
thread pool manager   1
updating   1, 2
introduced   1
reconnect attempts   1
reconnecting   1
reconnection delay   1
consumers   1
EJB   1
MDB   1
control messages   1


data store
about   1
flat-file   1
JDBC-accessible   1
location   1
resetting   1
data, MQ, location of   1
delivery modes
non-persistent   1
persistent   1
delivery, reliable   1
destination administered objects   1
attributes   1
introduced   1
access control   1
attributes of   1
auto-created   1, 2
creating   1
destroying   1, 2
information about   1, 2
introduced   1
listing   1
managing   1
physical   1
purging messages at   1, 2
queue, See queues 1
temporary   1, 2
topic, See topics 1
updating attributes   1, 2
Diagram showing message producers sending messages to the message service, which relays them to message consumers.   1
directory variables
distributed transactions
about   1
XA resource manager   1, 2
See also XA connection factories 1
domains   1
durable subscribers, See durable subscriptions 1
durable subscriptions
about   1
ClientID, and   1
destroying   1
listing   1
purging messages for   1


editions, product
about   1
enterprise   1
platform   1
about   1
Key Tool, and   1
SSL-based services, and   1
enterprise edition   1
environment variables, See directory variables 1


firewalls   1


HTTP   1, 2
HTTP connections
multiple brokers, for   1
request interval   1
support for   1
tunnel servlet, See HTTP tunnel servlet 1
HTTP proxy   1
HTTP support architecture   1
HTTP transport driver   1
HTTP tunnel servlet   1, 2
httpjms connection service   1, 2
HTTPS connections
multiple brokers, for   1
request interval   1
support for   1
tunnel servlet, See HTTPS tunnel servlet 1
HTTPS support architecture   1
HTTPS tunnel servlet   1, 2
httpsjms connection service   1, 2


imq.accesscontrol.enabled property   1, 2
imq.accesscontrol.file.filename property   1, 2
imq.authentication.basic.user_repository property   1, 2
imq.authentication.client.response.timeout property   1, 2
imq.authentication.type property   1, 2
imq.autocreate.queue property   1, 2, 3
imq.autocreate.topic property   1, 2, 3
imq.cluster.brokerlist property   1, 2
imq.cluster.hostname property   1, 2
imq.cluster.masterbroker property   1, 2
imq.cluster.port property   1, 2
imq.cluster.url property   1, 2, 3, 4
imq.httpjms.http.pullPeriod property   1
imq.httpjms.http.servletHost property   1
imq.httpjms.http.servletPort property   1
imq.httpsjms.https.pullPeriod property   1
imq.httpsjms.https.servletHost property   1
imq.httpsjms.https.servletPort property   1
imq.keystore.file.dirpath property   1 property   1
imq.keystore.password property   1, 2
imq.log.console.output property   1, 2 property   1, 2
imq.log.console.syslog.facility property   1, 2
imq.log.console.syslog.identity property   1, 2
imq.log.console.syslog.logconsole property   1, 2
imq.log.console.syslog.logpid property   1, 2
imq.log.console.syslog.output property   1, 2
imq.log.file.dirpath property   1, 2
imq.log.file.filename property   1, 2
imq.log.file.output property   1, 2
imq.log.file.rolloverbytes property   1, 2, 3
imq.log.file.rolloversecs property   1, 2, 3
imq.log.level property   1, 2, 3
imq.message.expiration.interval property   1, 2
imq.message.max_size property   1, 2, 3
imq.metrics.enabled property   1, 2
imq.metrics.interval property   1, 2
imq.passfile.dirpath property   1, 2
imq.passfile.enabled property   1, 2 property   1, 2
imq.persist.file.destination.file.size property   1, 2
imq.persist.file.message.cleanup property   1, 2
imq.persist.file.message.fdpool.limit property   1, 2
imq.persist.file.message.filepool.cleanratio property   1, 2
imq.persist.file.message.filepool.limit property   1, 2
imq.persist.file.sync.enabled property   1, 2
imq.persist.jdbc.brokerid property   1
imq.persist.jdbc.closedburl property   1
imq.persist.jdbc.createdburl property   1
imq.persist.jdbc.driver property   1
imq.persist.jdbc.needpassword property   1
imq.persist.jdbc.opendburl property   1
imq.persist.jdbc.password property   1, 2
imq.persist.jdbc.user property   1 property   1, 2, 3
imq.portmapper.port property   1, 2, 3
imq.queue.deliverypolicy property   1, 2, 3
imq.redelivered.optimization property   1, 2
imq.resource_state.threshold property   1, 2
imq.service.activelist property   1, 2
imq.service_name.accesscontrol.enabled property   1, 2
imq.service_name.accesscontrol.file.filename property   1, 2
imq.service_name.authentication.type property   1, 2
imq.service_name.max_threads property   1, 2
imq.service_name.min_threads property   1, 2
imq.service_name.protocol_type.hostname property   1, 2
imq.service_name.protocol_type.port property   1, 2
imq.service_name.threadpool_model property   1, 2
imq.shared.connectionMonitor_limit property   1, 2
imq.system.max_count property   1, 2, 3
imq.system.max_size property   1, 2, 3
imq.transaction.autorollback property   1, 2, 3
imq.user_repository.ldap.base property   1
imq.user_repository.ldap.gidattr property   1
imq.user_repository.ldap.grpbase property   1
imq.user_repository.ldap.grpfiltler property   1
imq.user_repository.ldap.grpsearch property   1
imq.user_repository.ldap.memattr property   1
imq.user_repository.ldap.password property   1, 2
imq.user_repository.ldap.principal property   1
imq.user_repository.ldap.server property   1
imq.user_repository.ldap.ssl.enabled property   1
imq.user_repository.ldap.timeout property   1
imq.user_repository.ldap.uidattr property   1
imq.user_repository.ldap.usrfilter property   1
IMQ_HOME directory variable   1
IMQ_JAVAHOME directory variable   1
IMQ_VARHOME directory variable   1
imqAckOnAcknowledge attribute   1
imqAckOnProduce attribute   1
imqAckTimeout attribute   1
imqbrokerd command
about   1
command syntax   1
options   1
using   1
imqBrokerHostName attribute   1
imqBrokerHostPort attribute   1
imqBrokerServicePort attribute   1
imqcmd command
about   1
command syntax   1
connecting to a broker   1
imqcmd command (continued)
destination management   1
options   1
secure connection to broker   1, 2
subcommands   1
transaction management   1
use for   1, 2, 3
imqConfiguredClientID attribute   1
imqConnectionType attribute   1
imqConnectionURL attribute   1
imqdbmgr command
about   1
command syntax   1
options   1
subcommands   1
imqDefaultPassword attribute   1
imqDefaultUsername attribute   1
imqDestinationDescription attribute   1, 2
imqDestinationName attribute   1, 2
imqDisableSetClientID attribute   1
imqFlowControlCount attribute   1
imqFlowControlIsLimited attribute   1
imqFlowControlLimit attribute   1
imqJMSDeliveryMode attribute   1
imqJMSExpiration attribute   1
imqJMSPriority attribute   1
imqkeytool command
about   1
command syntax   1, 2
using   1, 2
imqLoadMaxToServerSession attribute   1
imqobjmgr command
about   1
command syntax   1
options   1
subcommands   1
imqOverrideJMSDeliveryMode attribute   1
imqOverrideJMSExpiration attribute   1
imqOverrideJMSHeadersToTemporaryDestinations attribute   1
imqOverrideJMSPriority attribute   1
imqQueueBrowserMaxMessagesPerRetrieve attribute   1
imqQueueBrowserRetrieveTimeout attribute   1
imqReconnect attribute   1
imqReconnectDelay attribute   1
imqReconnectRetries attribute   1
imqSetJMSXAppID attribute   1
imqSetJMSXConsumerTXID attribute   1
imqSetJMSXProducerTXID attribute   1
imqSetJMSXRcvTimestamp attribute   1
imqSetJMSXUserID attribute   1
imqSSLIsHostTrusted attribute   1
imqsvcadmin command
about   1
command syntax   1
options   1
subcommands   1
use for   1
imqusermgr command
about   1
command syntax   1
options   1
passwords   1
subcommands   1
user names   1
input files   1
instance configuration files, See configuration files 1


J2EE applications
EJB specification   1
JMS, and   1
message-driven beans, See message driven-beans 1
JDBC support
about   1
driver   1, 2
setting up   1
option to specify path to   1, 2, 3
specify path to   1
message structure   1
programming model   1
specification   1
jms connection service   1, 2
JMS specification   1, 2
administered objects, and   1, 2
initial context   1
location (provider URL)   1
lookup   1, 2, 3, 4
message-driven beans, and   1
MQ support of   1
object store   1, 2
object store attributes   1, 2
JRE, specify path to   1


key pairs
generating   1
regenerating   1
Key Tool   1
file   1, 2, 3
properties   1


LDAP server
object store attributes   1
user-repository access   1
for MQ editions   1
loading   1
listeners   1, 2
log files
default location   1, 2
rollover criteria   1
about   1
archive files   1
as broker component   1
categories   1
changing configuration   1
default configuration   1
levels   1, 2, 3
message format   1
metrics information   1, 2
output channels   1, 2
properties   1
redirecting log messages   1
rollover criteria   1
writing to console   1, 2
logging, See logger 1


Master Broker   1, 2
MDB See message-driven beans 1
memory management   1
Message   1
message consumers, See consumers 1
message delivery models   1, 2
message listeners, See listeners 1
message producers, See producers 1, 2
message router
about   1
as broker component   1
properties   1
message server
about   1
multi-broker, See broker clusters   1
message service   1
message-driven beans
about   1
application server support   1
deployment descriptor   1
MDB container   1
acknowledgements   1, 2
broker limits on   1
consumption of   1
control   1
delivery models   1, 2
delivery modes, See delivery modes 1
filtering   1
introduced   1
limits on   1
messages (continued)
listeners for   1, 2
ordering   1
persistence of   1, 2
persistent   1
point-to-point delivery   1
prioritizing   1
production of   1
publish/subscribe delivery   1
purging at a destination   1
reclamation of expired   1
redelivery   1
reliable delivery of   1
routing and delivery   1
SOAP   1
structure   1
messaging system
architecture   1
message service   1
MQ architecture   1
about   1
reporting interval   1
summary of   1


object stores
about   1
file-system store   1
file-system store attributes   1
LDAP server   1
LDAP server attributes   1
locations   1


broker configuration properties   1
command line option   1
location   1, 2
using   1
password file, See passfile 1
default   1
encoding of   1
JDBC   1
LDAP   1
naming conventions   1
passfile, See passfile 1
SSL keystore   1, 2, 3
performance, reliability, and   1
access control properties file   1, 2
admin service   1
computing   1
data store   1
embedded database   1
keystore   1
MQ operations   1
passfile   1
user repository   1
built-in   1
data store See data store 1
delivery modes, See delivery modes 1
JDBC, See JDBC persistence 1
persistence manager, See persistence manager 1
plugged-in, See plugged-in persistence 1
persistence manager
about   1
as broker component   1
data store See data store 1
JDBC data store   1
plugged-in persistence, and   1
properties   1
persistent messages   1
platform edition   1
plugged-in persistence
about   1
setting up   1
point-to-point delivery   1
port mapper
about   1
port assignment for   1, 2
portability, See provider-independence 1
ports, dynamic allocation of   1
producers   1
programming domains   1
auto-create   1
broker instance configuration   1
broker, updating   1
cluster configuration   72 1, 2
connection service   1
httpjms connection service   1
httpsjms connection service   1
JDBC-related   1
keystore   1
LDAP-related   1
logger   1
message router   1
persistence   1
security   1
protocol types
HTTP   1, 2
TCP   1, 2
TLS   1, 2
protocols, See transport protocols 1
protocols, See transport protocols 1
about   1
administered objects   1
publish/subscribe delivery   1


queue delivery policy
about   1
attribute   1
failover   1
round-robin   1
single   1
queue destinations, See queues 1
queues   1
adding administered objects for   1
attributes of   1
auto-created   1, 2
delivery policy, See queue delivery policy 1


redeliver flag   1
reliable delivery   1
routing, See message router 1


Secure Socket Layer standard, See SSL 1
authentication, See authentication 1
authorization, See authorization 1
encryption, See encryption 1
manager, See security manager 1
object store, for   1
security manager
about   1
as broker component   1
properties   1
self-signed certificate   1, 2
service types
acknowledgement options for   1
introduced   1
transacted   1
Simple Object Access Protocol See SOAP 1
SOAP   1
about   1
connection services, and   1, 2
encryption, and   1
over HTTP   1
over TCP/IP   1
services, setting up   1
ssladmin connection service   1, 2
configuring   1
setting up   1
SSL-based connection services
setting up   1
SSL-based services
starting up   1
ssljms connection service   1, 2
configuring   1
setting up   1
destroying durable   1
id of durable   1
managing durable   1
syslog   1, 2
system properties, setting   1


TCP   1, 2
temporary destinations   1, 2
thread pool manager
about   1
dedicated threads   1
shared threads   1
TLS   1, 2
tools, administration, See administration tools 1
topic destinations, See topics 1
about   1
adding administered objects for   1
as physical destinations   1
attributes of   1
auto-created   1, 2
about   1
acknowledgements, and   1
committing   1
distributed, See distributed transactions 1
information about   1
managing   1
rolling back   1
transport protocols
HTTP   1, 2
TCP   1, 2
TLS   1, 2


user groups
about   1
default   1
deleting assignment   1
predefined   1
user names
default   1, 2
format   1
user repository
about   1
flat-file   1
LDAP server   1
location   1, 2
managing   1
platform dependence   1
populating   1
types   1
user groups   1
user states   1


Windows service, broker running as   1


XA connection factories
about   1
See also connection factory administered objects 1
XA resource manager, See distributed transactions 1

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Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Part Number 817-0354-10