Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service for Sun ONE Application Server

Extension Properties

The Sun Cluster HA for Sun ONE Application Server Fault Monitor uses the following extension properties. You might be able to tune these extension properties.

Table 1–3 Sun Cluster HA for Sun ONE Application Server Extension Properties

Name/Data Type 


Confdir_list(string array)

The complete path to the Sun ONE Application Server configuration directory is set in this extension property.  

Default: None

Tunable: At creation


A Single URI or list of URIs which can be used by the fault monitor to test the functionality of the Sun ONE Application Server. The fault monitor tests the application server by doing an HTTP GET on the URI. The Monitor_Uri_List extension property can be used to probe deployed application functionality. Probe deployed applications by setting the property to one or more URIs that are serviced by applications deployed on the Sun ONE Application Server. If the HTTP server return code is 500 (Internal Server Error) or if the connect fails, the probe will take action. See the probe method for more details.

Default: Null

Tunable:Any time