Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service for WebLogic Server

How to Verify the Sun Cluster HA for BEA WebLogic Server Installation and Configuration

Use this procedure to verify that you installed and configured Sun Cluster HA for BEA WebLogic Server correctly.

  1. Bring the BEA WebLogic Server resource groups online on the cluster.

    # scswitch -z -g RG1 -h cluster-node1
    # scswitch -z -g RG2 -h cluster-node1

    The BEA WebLogic Administration and Managed Servers must be online on cluster-node1.

  2. Make sure that you can successfully connect to the BEA WebLogic servers from a client and that both the Administration Server and the Managed Server are in the RUNNING mode.

  3. Switch the resource groups to cluster-node2.

    # scswitch -z -g RG1 -h cluster-node2
    # scswitch -z -g RG2 -h cluster-node2

    The BEA WebLogic Administration and Managed Servers must go offline on cluster-node1 and go online on cluster-node2. Make sure the BEA WebLogic Server processes on cluster-node1 are stopped. Because smooth shutdown is not enabled, the BEA WebLogic Server process will be killed by the Sun Cluster HA for BEA WebLogic Server STOP method instead of being shutdown smoothly. Refer to Creating a Resource Which Will Shutdown Smoothly for the configuration enabling smooth shutdown. For more information, see STOP Method for configuration enabling smooth shutdown.

  4. Make sure that you can successfully connect to the BEA WebLogic servers from the client and that both the Administration Server and the Managed Server are in the RUNNING mode.

    Note –

    The client sessions may be lost when the BEA WebLogic Servers go offline on cluster-node1 and come online on cluster-node2.

  5. On cluster-node2, kill the Administration Server process.

    The Fault Monitor must detect this and restart the Administration Server.

  6. Kill the Administration Server process repeatedly.

    The Administration Server Resource group will failover after the number of retries exceeds the retry count within the retry interval.

  7. On cluster-node2, kill the Managed Server process.

    The Fault Monitor must detect this and restart the Managed Server.

  8. Kill the Managed Server process repeatedly.

    The Managed Server Resource group will failover after the number of retries exceeds the retry count within the retry interval.

    If the previous steps are successful, you have correctly configured Sun Cluster HA for BEA WebLogic Server.

Note –

Once the BEA WebLogic Administration and Managed servers are in production under Sun Cluster control, do not start or stop the servers manually or through the Administration Console. If you need to perform maintenance on the servers, you must first disable their associated resources.