Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service for WebSphere MQ Integrator

Verifying the Installation and Configuration of WebSphere MQ Integrator

This section contains the procedure you need to verify the installation and configuration.

Note –

For this section, refer to IBM's WebSphere MQ Intercommunication and IBM's WebSphere MQ Command Reference manuals to create queues and channels for communication between the Broker(s) and UserNameServer within Sun Cluster and the Configuration Manager on Windows NT.

How to Verify the Installation and Configuration of WebSphere MQ Integrator

Use this procedure to verify the installation and configuration. This procedure does not verify that your application is highly available because you have not installed your data service yet.

Caution – Caution –

Note that the Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator data service requires that a message flow has been setup within the Broker.

Note –

This section requires that the WebSphere MQ queue manager Logical Hostname IP address be available. This should have been setup if you have completed the Sun Cluster HA for IBM WebSphere MQ data service installation. Ensure that you have completed the installation of the Sun Cluster HA for IBM WebSphere MQ data service before you continue with the next steps.

  1. Create the communication links between the Broker queue manager and Configuration Manager queue manager – Here you need to setup queues and channels between the Broker queue manager(s) and the Configuration Manager queue manager, so that the message flows and rules setup on the Configuration Manager can be deployed from the Configuration Manager to the Broker queue manager(s) within Sun Cluster.

    Refer to Chapter 4 — Configuring a broker domain within IBM's WebSphere MQ Integrator for Sun Solaris — Installation Guide . In particular, refer to the section Starting your broker domain.

  2. Create the communication links between the Broker queue manager and UserNameServer (UNS) queue manager – If you are using a UNS, then you need to setup queues and channels between the Broker queue manager(s) and the UserNameServer.

    Refer to Chapter 4 — Configuring a broker domain within IBM's WebSphere MQ Integrator for Sun Solaris — Installation Guide . In particular, refer to the section Starting your broker domain.

  3. Test the communication links between the queue managers – Once all queues and channels have been setup between the Broker(s), UserNameServer and Configuration Manager, you should test that all the queue managers can communicate with each other.

    Refer to Chapter 4 — Configuring a broker domain within IBM's WebSphere MQ Integrator for Sun Solaris — Installation Guide . In particular, refer to the section Starting your broker domain.

  4. Create and deploy a message flow on the Configuration Manager – Once all queues and channels have been setup and tested between the Broker(s), UserNameServer and Configuration Manager, you should create a message flow and deploy it to the Broker queue manager. You will require a separate message flow for each Broker queue manager.

    1. Create a message flow

      You must create a simple message flow, that uses two queues, to receive a message from an input queue and put it to an output queue. Within the Control Center on Windows NT you can use the IBMPrimitives MQInput and MQOutput to achieve this simple message flow.

      • Refer to Chapter 5 — Verifying your installation within IBM's WebSphere MQ Integrator for Sun Solaris — Installation Guide . In particular, refer to the section Building and using a message flow.

    2. Deploy the message flow to the broker

      • Refer to Chapter 5 — Verifying your installation within IBM's WebSphere MQ Integrator for Sun Solaris — Installation Guide . In particular, refer to the section Building and using a message flow

        Note –

        The message flow and message flow queues that you create will be used by the Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator data service to probe WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker.