Sun Cluster 3.1 Data Service for WebSphere MQ Integrator

Registering and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator

This section contains the procedures you need to configure Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator .

How to Register and Configure Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator

Use this procedure to configure Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator as a failover data service. This procedure assumes that you installed the data service packages during your initial Sun Cluster installation.

If you did not install the Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator packages as part of your initial Sun Cluster installation, go to How to Install the Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator Packages.

Otherwise, use this procedure to configure the Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator data service.

Note that the WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker component is dependent on WebSphere MQ and an RDBMS. The WebSphere MQ Integrator UserNameServer component is dependent only on WebSphere MQ, refer back to Configuration Requirements for a list of WebSphere MQ Integrator components and their dependencies.

Furthermore, currently only local RDBMS support for DB2 or Oracle is supported, refer back to Configuration Restrictions, in particular to Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ Integrator RDBMS for a description of this restriction.

Note –

As the WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker component is dependent on WebSphere MQ and an RDBMS, all resources for the WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker component, WebSphere MQ components and the RDBMS must reside within the same Resource Group, for an example refer back to Example 1–2.

Note –

As the WebSphere MQ Integrator UserNameServer component is dependent on WebSphere MQ , all resources for the WebSphere MQ Integrator UserNameServer component and WebSphere MQ components must reside within the same Resource Group, for an example refer back to Example 1–2.

Note –

For information about Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ, refer to the Sun Cluster Data Service 4/03 for WebSphere MQ documentation. For information about Sun Cluster HA for Oracle, refer to the Sun Cluster Data Service 4/03 for Oracle documentation. For further information about DB2 within Sun Cluster, you may wish to consult the DB2 and High Availability on Sun Cluster 3.0 white paper, located at the database and data management site .

  1. Become superuser on one of the nodes in the cluster that will host WebSphere MQ Integrator.

  2. Register the SUNW.gds resource type.

    # scrgadm -a -t SUNW.gds
  3. Register the SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource type.

    # scrgadm -a -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus
  4. Create a failover resource group .

    # scrgadm -a -g WebSphere MQ-failover-resource-group
  5. Create a resource for the WebSphere MQ Integrator Disk Storage.

    # scrgadm -a -j WebSphere MQ Integrator-has-resource  \
    -g WebSphere MQ-failover-resource-group   \
    -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus  \
    -x FilesystemMountPoints=WebSphere MQ Integrator- instance-mount-points
  6. Enable the failover resource group that now includes the WebSphere MQ Integrator Disk Storage resource.

    # scswitch -Z -g WebSphere MQ-failover-resource-group
  7. Create and register each required WebSphere MQ Integrator component.

    Note –

    This section requires that the Sun Cluster HA for WebSphere MQ and RDBMS data services have been installed and their resources are online within Sun Cluster. Ensure that you have completed those steps before you continue with this step.

    Perform this step for the Broker component (sib), then repeat for the optional UserNameServer component, replacing sib with,

    siu - UserNameServer

    # cd /opt/SUNWscmqi/sib/util

    Edit the sib_config file and follow the comments within that file, ie

    # These parameters can be customized in (key=value) form
    #        RS - name of the resource for the application
    #        RG - name of the resource group containing RS
    #      QMGR - name of the Queue Manager
    #      PORT - name of the Queue Manager port number
    #        LH - name of the LogicalHostname SC resource
    #    HAS_RS - name of the Queue Manager HAStoragePlus SC resource
    #    SC3_IN - name of the Test Message Flow (Inbound)
    #   SC3_OUT - name of the Test Message Flow (Outbound)
    #   MQSI_ID - name of the WebSphere MQI userid
    #    BROKER - name of the WebSphere MQI Broker
    #  RDBMS_ID - name of the WebSphere MQI RDBMS userid
    #   QMGR_RS - name of the Queue Manager SC resource
    #  RDBMS_RS - name of the RDBMS SC resource and listener (if Oracle)
    #             e.g. RDBMS_RS=<ora-rs>,<lsr-rs>

    The following is an example for WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker XXX , with WebSphere Integrator MQ Manager qmgr1.


    After editing sib_config you must now register the resource.

    # ./sib_register
  8. Enable each WebSphere MQ Integrator resource.

    Repeat this step for each WebSphere MQ Integrator component as in the previous step.

    # scstat 

    # scswitch -e -j WebSphere MQ Integrator-resource